We undertook a survey among epileptologists in China to explore their attitudes toward physical exercise and sports for persons with epilepsy (PWEs). A total of 288 epileptologists participated. Most recognized the potential benefits of physical exercise and sports for PWEs, including improved cognitive function (74.6 %), alleviation of mental disorders (73.2 %), and enhanced quality of life (83.8 %). Epileptologists overwhelmingly agreed on the importance of discussing and encouraging physical exercise and sports for PWEs (97.4 % and 95.2 %, respectively). Before engagement in physical exercise and sports, most epileptologists considered that the duration of seizure-free status could be shorter if the seizures were typically focal, non-motor, or without impaired awareness (p < 0.05). There was consensus (99.1 %) on the need to grade the risk of related activities. Opinions were divided regarding the use of health certificates for restricting PWEs (favored by 63.2 %). The majority (93.9 %) called for an expert consensus or clinical guidelines in China. In conclusion, epileptologists in China generally demonstrate a positive attitude toward physical exercise and sports for PWEs. Both benefits and risks of these activities have generally been acknowledged. It is recommended to prioritize activities with lower risks and higher benefits. However, the recommendations for PWEs with a lower likelihood of recurrence and less risky seizure types can be more liberal. Urgent development of normative guidance from governmental and professional bodies is warranted.