Prostate cancer (PC) incidence and mortality are steadily increasing. Causation of PC is not clearly understood; in particular, role of human papillomaviruses (HPV) is still disputable. The review contains analysis of literature data on possible participation of HPV powerful biological carcinogens, in PC genesis. PC incidence increase in persons with immunodeficiency indicates involvement of some infectious agent in the disease etiology. Several research groups communicated HPV DNA finding including that of oncogenic types in PC specimens (transrectal biopsies). There are limited data on the occurrence of oncogenic HPV 16 oncoprotein E7 in such specimens and on its unfavorable effect on disease prognosis. The successful attempt is known to transfect normal human prostate cells with oncogenic HPVDNA in vitro. Epidemiological data on associations of PC with HPV are controversial. It may result from the considered in the present review certain technical peculiarities of these studies. Controlfor serum antibodies to HPV E6 and E7 oncoproteins recognized to indicate HPV-positive tumor growth in an organism has not been performed yet in PC patients. DNA of oncogenic HPV is rather commonly found in organs adjacent to prostate--urethra, rectum, urinary bladder. In the study held in Russia on a group of healthy men examined for sexually transmitted diseases genitourinary HPVinfection was found in every second person; 42% of them harbored oncogenic HPV. Possible participation of oncogenic HPV in PC genesis deserves close attention and further study.
Objective: Our aim was to study the possible markers of pain syndrome--indicators of pain sensitivity--pain pressure tolerance thresholds (PPTT), and immuno-indicators--natural antibodies against pain processing mediators (eAb) for evaluation the possibility of its using for a objective pain assessment at chronic low back pain.
Methods: Pain sensitivity was assessed daily and nightly, by measuring the PPTT The natural antibody levels (eAb), were determined in serum by ELISA. Measurement of all parameters were performed at 1st, 10th and 21 days.
Results: 173 patients (93 women and 80 men) with chronic low back pain were included in the study. At 1st day most patients had lowered PPTT: 55% of men and 74% during the day, 72% of men and 89% of women at night. Dynamic study has shown a tendency of PPTT normalization in men. The study of diurnal PPTT variations have shown that night PPTT lower than day PPTT on 15-17%. We found gender PPTT differences: PPTT values in women 17-26% lower than in men. Analysis of individual eAb profiles has showed that elevated and high levels of eAb to β-endorphin, orphanin and histamine have 84%, 78%, 84% women and 82%, 85 and 95% men, respectively. These indicators higher than those for serotonin, dopamine and angiotensin (55%, 65%, 70% in women and 65%, 66%, 66% in men, respectively; p < 0.05). Dynamic study of eAb levels have shown a significant anti-histamine eAbs decrease (23%; p = 0.015) only.
Conclusion: The pathological changes in pain sensitivity and levels of eAbs to pain-processing mediatos are evidenced. Further investigations are necessary to clarify to role of these variations in pain processing and for use these indicators for objective pain assessment.
Objective: Our aim was to on the basis of determining the degree of violation of the structure and function of the liver establish their relationships and to assess the dynamics of liver disease in its chronic illnesses in children.
Methods: With the help of the developed scoring systems were used to assess the degree of liver dysfunction and the degree of disruption of the structure of the liver and the severity of portal hypertension.
Results: The results of the diagnostic methods 252 children aged 1 to 17 years (mean age of 11.8±3,5) with Wilson disease (WD), autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), chronic hepatitis C (CHC) were analyzed; 48 patients underwent liver transplantation. In children with WD, AIHand CHC liverfunction reduced by 41.3±12.9% to 28.8±12.5% and 19.1±7.8% respectively. Structure of the liver in children with WD, AIH and CHC was disturbed by 25.0±8.1% to 20.4±9.2% and 6.8±4.4% respectively. Thefunction and structure violations of the liver more pronounced in liver cirrhosis. The use of the developed scoring systems to monitor the severity of liver damage in the dynamics and evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy is demonstrated. The degree of liver dysfunction is directly dependent on the degree of its structure. Abnormal liverfunction ≥40% and ≥40% of its structure with treatment failure can be used as a criterion of indicationsfor elective liver transplantation with its chronic diseases in children.
Conclusion: Developed a point system to determine liver function and a point system to determine disruption of the structure of the liver and the severity of portal hypertension in children can serve as an objective criterion for assessing the severity of liver disease, monitoring their changes in the dynamics with the assessment of the effectiveness of the therapy and making decisions about the need for routine liver transplantation in its chronic illnesses in children.
Background: Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is the widespread environmental toxicant with carcinogenic activity. BaP undergoes metabolic activation in the liver microsomal monooxygenase system, and its regional lymph nodes act as peripheral filters, purifying lymph formed in the liver. It remains an open question about the significance of the integral liver and lymphatic system work in supporting processes of adaptation and resistance to the BaP effects.
Objective: The purpose of our investigation was to study structural and metabolic changes in the liver and its lymph region in males Wistar rats weighing 180-220g.
Methods: Animals of the experimental group (n =20) daily for 3 days was performed BaP injections: intraperitoneal with 2 mg per 100g of body weight in 0.2-0.3 ml of olive oil. Rats in the control group (n =20) received in the same mode of injection of olive oil. The light and electron microscopy morphometric study of the liver and its regional lymph nodes morphometric analysis were performed. The intensity of lipid peroxidation in the liver was measured by the number of diene conjugates (DC), ketotriene conjugates (KC) and malondialdehyde (MDA).
Results: Simultaneous increase of the hepatic sinusoids relative area and the specific area of the regional lymph nodes sinus system under the BaP effect was found. At ultrastructural level dilatation of the Disse spaces, filling of cell detritus and collagen fibers bundles of these spaces were noted. Damage of nuclear apparatus, balloon transformation of granular endoplasmic reticulum profiles were found in hepatocytes, condensation of the mitochondrial matrix was observed. The relative squares of B-dependent zones increased and T-dependentparacortical zone reduced in the regional lymph nodes. The increase in the content of KC and MDA in liver was identified.
Conclusion: benzo[a]pyrene causes interrelated cascade of reactions in the liver and in its lymphatic region: a disturbance of the blood-lymph barrier morphological organization, and so obstruction of the lymphatic drainagefrom the organ. These promotes development of tissue hypoxia and apoptosis, protein synthesizing and energy cell apparatus disruptions, formation of lymphoid tissue temporary infiltrates in the liver.
Aim: to study the process of proteins transamination in syncytiotrophoblast of placenta villi of women who suffered the acute form of cytomega- lovirus (CMV) infection during pregnancy.
Methods: 30 pregnant women with CMV infection recurrence at the 25-28th week of pregnancy were examined. The activity of γ-glutamyltransferase in the peripheral blood of pregnant women was determined by spectrophotometry at the device "Stat-Fax-2100" (The USA). Hsp-70 and caspase-3 in placenta homogenate were found out with serological methods. The activity of glutamatdehydrogenase and pyridoxal-5-phosphatase was studied with histochemical method of Z. Loyd at the placenta slice of parturient women. The apoptotic changes in syncytiotrophoblast nuclei were defined by ISEL-method. RESULTS. The peripheral blood of CMV-seropositive parturient women showed a reduction of γ-glutamyltransferase in 1.30 times. Histochemically we identified the reduction of reaction products' concentration in response to pyridoxal-5-phosphate by 2.14 times, to glutamatdehydrogenase by 1,57 times. At the same time there was an increase of caspase-3 in 2,8 times and reduction of Hsp70 in 2.6 times in placenta homogenate. The number of apoptotic changes in syncytio-trophoblast nuclei increased by 4 times.
Conclusion: Worsening of CMV infection in the period 25-28 weeks of pregnancy leads to disruption of amino acid metabolism in the placenta, causing structural and functional and metabolic adjustment, and is one of the reasons for slow growth and lack of development of the fetus.
The paper presents results of a comprehensive analysis of the cardiovascular diseases (CVD) situation, both in the global and Russian contexts. It introduces original data illustrating the declining mortality rate from CVD, and the diminishing contribution of these diseases to overall mortality rate--globally and, to a larger extent, in developed countries. The paper also analyses the reasons for continuing CVD epidemic in Russia. Based on factual evidence, it argues that those include insufficient expenditures on treating CVD patients, and critically inadequate funding of prevention programmes. Unsatisfactory use of these funds to subsidise Russian regions (without taking into account their actual needs determined by the CVD mortality rate) only makes the problem worse. Through modelling, "average" efficiency of the Russian health care system in reducing CVD mortality was revealed. The paper describes various scenarios for future development of the Russian CVD situation. In the context of innovation-based scenario, the advantages of technologicalforesight are analysed; specifically, the authors summarise major S & T development trends in the health sector (using data of the Russian S & T Foresight 2030), which could significantly contribute to stopping the CVD epidemic in Russia.
Background: One way to increase drug efficacy is to provide a drug delivery transport system to the target organ. A widely used method is to incorporate the drug in a biodegradable polymer composition with forming nanosized drug's transport forms. Objective: Our aim was to investigate the tissue biodistribution of antibiotic rifabutin transport system based on lactic and glycolic acids copolymer, and to compare it with the pure substance of rifabutin.
Methods: These substances were administered to two groups of rats intragastrically in the doses of 10 mg/kg. After a certain period of time, the animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. Samples preparation for analysis was carried out of the liquid-liquid extraction. Active substance's concentrations were measured by high performance liquid chromatography method.
Results: The study included 8-week-aged Wistar rats of both sexes weighing 0.22 ± 0.02 kg. Animals were divided into 2 groups. The study group received polymer form of antibiotic, and the comparison group received substance of rifabutin. In intervals of 10 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 7h, 15 h, 24 h after drug administration liver, lung, spleen, kidney, intestines, stomach, heart and brain were resected respectively. Organs were measured by their weight. The drug was not detected in the brain. Rifabutin was determined in other examined tissues within 10 minutes and the maximum drug concentration in organs was fixed in 1.5-3.5 hours after administration. The rifabutin concentrations defined in the lungs were significantly higher in polymerform (p < 0.05). The polymer form's distribution coefficient was higher in the liver and lungs (15.83 and 10.14 µg/g respectively) in comparison with the substance one. The minimum amount of the active ingredient was observed in the heart (0.02 µg/g).
Conclusion: It is shown that the inclusion of the drug in a polymeric form substantially alters its localization in organs and tissues. Extensive biodistribution nanorifabutin in lung tissue, liver and spleen is established.
Objective: Our aim was to identify the most informative clinical and laboratory predictors of chronicity of Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis in the acute phase of the disease based on the "optimal cut-off values" (COV) and the predicted probability of the outcomes.
Methods: A retrospective cohort controlled study was carried out. We used the technique of ROC-analysis to estimate the information content of the clinical and laboratory indicators in patients with Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis in the acute phase of the disease with erythemal (n =16), non-erythemal (n = 77) forms of Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis and co-infection with the tick-borne encephalitis (n = 68) for the prediction of the outcomes: recovery or chronization.
Results: A retrospective analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters recorded in the acute phase of the disease in 161 patients with chronic Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis. The calculations were performed for the informative clinical and laboratory prognostic predictors of the outcomes for the intervals above and below the COVvalues are defined probabilities of recovery or chronization of Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis. A general predictor of outcomes for all clinicalforms of the disease--the interleukin 8--was established: the probability of chronization after erythemal form is 100.0% at the level of its production over 107.89 pg/ml (AUC = 1.0), after non-erythemal form is 54.63 ± 0.23% at serum concentrations above 94.64 pg/ml (AUC = 0.770), after co-infection with the tick-borne encephalitis is 52.69 ± 0.27% at the level of interleukin 8 above 84.96 pg/ml (AUC = 0.780).
Conclusion: The results of the study suggest the possibility of predicting the outcomes of infection in the acute phase, which allows to optimize the etiopathogenic therapy of the disease in a timely manner.
Backgraund: WHO considers the problem of antimicrobial resistance to be the serious threat to humanity. One approach to solve it is to restrict the use ofantimicrobials. This approach implies the implementation of educational programs. Such programmes take much time and money. However, the effectiveness of educational programs is not clear.
Aims: determine the effectiveness of educational activities in the field of rationalization of the use of antibacterial drugs.
Materials and methods: Two-stage multicenter research on the practice of antibacterial drugs application and the effectiveness of educational programs designed to rationalize antibiotic therapy in Primorsky Territory.
Results: It wasfound that programs aimed only at the training of doctors are ineffective. The frequency of unjustified use of antimicrobials remains high--72.7% (2002-2003) and 70.4% (2011-2012).
Conclusion: To improve the rationality of medical prescriptions (antibacterial drugs) it is necessary to combine educational programs with management measures.