There is a lack of tools to ease the integration and ontology based semantic queries in biomedical databases, which are often annotated with ontology concepts. We aim to provide a middle layer between ontology repositories and semantically annotated databases to support semantic queries directly in the databases with expressive standard database query languages. We have developed a semantic query engine that provides semantic reasoning and query processing, and translates the queries into ontology repository operations on NCBO BioPortal. Semantic operators are implemented in the database as user defined functions extended to the database engine, thus semantic queries can be directly specified in standard database query languages such as SQL and XQuery. The system provides caching management to boosts query performance. The system is highly adaptable to support different ontologies through easy customizations. We have implemented the system DBOntoLink as an open source software, which supports major ontologies hosted at BioPortal. DBOntoLink supports a set of common ontology based semantic operations and have them fully integrated with a database management system IBM DB2. The system has been deployed and evaluated with an existing biomedical database for managing and querying image annotations and markups (AIM). Our performance study demonstrates the high expressiveness of semantic queries and the high efficiency of the queries.
XML is ubiquitously used as an information exchange platform for web-based applications in healthcare, life sciences, and many other domains. Proliferating XML data are now managed through latest native XML database technologies. XML data sources conforming to common XML schemas could be shared and integrated with syntactic interoperability. Semantic interoperability can be achieved through semantic annotations of data models using common data elements linked to concepts from ontologies. In this paper, we present a framework and software system to support the development of semantic interoperable XML based data sources that can be shared through a Grid infrastructure. We also present our work on supporting semantic validated XML data through semantic annotations for XML Schema, semantic validation and semantic authoring of XML data. We demonstrate the use of the system for a biomedical database of medical image annotations and markups.
This paper considers neurological, formational and functional similarities between gestures and signed verb predicates. From analysis of verb sign movement, we offer suggestions for analyzing gestural movement (motion capture, kinematic analysis, trajectory internal structure). From analysis of verb sign distinctions, we offer suggestions for analyzing co-speech gesture functions.