[This retracts the article on p. 631 in vol. 6, PMID: 28804675.].
Fungal keratitis is one of the leading cause of ocular morbidity. Fungal keratitis possesses a clinical challenge due to its slow pathologic process, overlapping features, diagnostic difficulty, and potential complications. Its increasing trend can be attributed to the use of contact lens, non-judiciary corticosteroid, and vegetative trauma. Early diagnosis and treatment is the cornerstone for its effective control. Knowledge of pathological course and clinical characteristics of fungal keratitis will definitely add in early diagnosis and treatment, with reduction in ocular morbidity. This review article explores the risk factor of fungal keratitis, its clinical course and management strategy.
Background: To evaluate the level of knowledge regarding warning signs, presenting symptoms and risk factors associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) among population of Dubai and Northern Emirates in UAE.
Materials and methods: A cross sectional survey of 1367 residents of Dubai and Northern Emirates was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire.
Results: Respondents were classified into two groups: Young Adult Population (YAP; 18-24 years of age) and General Population (GP; 25 years and older). Majority of participants were males (56.7%) and of South Asian (57.5%) or Middle-Eastern (30.8%) ethnicity. Regarding presenting symptoms of CHD, chest pain was identified by around 80% of population, whereas pain in the left shoulder was recognized by 61% of GP and 44% of YAP. Atypical symptoms were poorly identified. Regarding risk factors, only one-fourth population knew that males were at higher risk compared to premenopausal females. Few knew that the risk increases in females after menopause and that the risk is higher for females who smoke and use oral contraceptives. 62% knew that the survivors of a heart attack are at high risk of recurrences. Except for tobacco smoke, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, knowledge of other risk factors was not satisfactory. Older adults and females had comparatively higher level of knowledge.
Conclusion: Knowledge level of many of the symptoms and risk factors of CHD is unsatisfactory. There is, therefore, a need to increase the awareness in the population of UAE. The knowledge gaps identified through this study can be addressed through health campaigns to increase the awareness about warning signs, symptoms and modifiable risk factors. .
In a prospective analytical cohort study or a study involving a longer follow up, changing age of participants influence the relationship between exposure and outcome. Usually age at entry is incorporated in the regression model to adjust for age. However, this fails to fully explain and adjust for changing age. For this Lexis expansion, a concept by Wilhelm Lexis, allows the analyst to expand the observations as per age bands and check for confounding and interaction by changing age. Lexis expansion assumes the rates to be constant within an age band.
Background: The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is strongly associated with cervical and other cancers. In women, cervical cancer is the third most common cancer. HPV infection can be largely prevented through vaccination of (adolescent) girls. At the same time, Nepal is a low-income country experiencing a cultural change in attitudes towards sex and sexual behaviour. However, in the adolescent population knowledge about HPV, factors associated with an increased risk of HPV and the existence of the vaccination is often low.
Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study with female students enrolled in health and non-health science courses in Pokhara, Nepal. The questionnaire included demographic details, knowledge and attitude questions related to HPV, associated risk behaviour and its vaccination. Descriptive statistics, including Chi-Square test, were used to identify statistically significant relationships. Ethical approval was granted by the relevant authority in Nepal.
Results: Hindu religion (75.0 %; 95% CI: 70.9, 78.6) and Newari caste (75.5%; CI: 61.1, 86.7) were more aware about HPV, HPV vaccination. Hindus religion (55.6%; 95% CI: 51.2, 60.0) and Dalit caste (61.6%, 95% CI: 53.3, 69.4) more willing to be vaccinated than other religions and other castes, respectively. Not unsurprisingly, students on health-related courses had a greater awareness of HPV, HPV vaccination and were more willing to be vaccinated than students on other courses. Similar patterns of association arose for knowledge related to those sexually active at an early age; HPV risk and multiple sex partners; and fact that condoms cannot fully prevent the transmission of HPV.
Conclusion: Knowledge about the link between HPV and (a) early sexual initiation, (b) having multiple sexual partners, and (c) the limited protection of condoms and other birth control measures was poor in our study compared to similar research conducted in other parts of the world. One key implication is the need for education campaigns in Nepal to educate young women and their parents about HPV, its risk factors and the benefits of vaccination. .
Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death throughout the world. Analyzing the incidence of cancer by site, sex and age is essential to detect the burden of cancer. Throughout the twelve hospital based cancer registries of Nepal, a total of 29,802 cancer cases with known age, were registered from January 1st 2010 to 2013 December 31st. The purpose of this retrospective study is to present the incidence of all cancer sites in both males and females for this period.
Materials and methods: This paper reviews data from all the hospital based cancer registries over a four-year period. This retrospective study has illustrated the number of cases, frequencies and crude incidence of all cancers by sex and site. For statistical analysis, SPSS (version 23.0) and Microsoft Excel 2010 were used.
Results: Over the four-year period from January 1st 2010 to 2013 December 31st the major cancer in males was identified as follows: lung cancer (17.5%) followed by stomach cancer (7.6 %) and larynx cancer (5.4%). Among females, for the same four-year period, the three common cancers were identified as cervix (18.9 %) followed by breast (15.6 %) and lung (10.2%).
Conclusion: This retrospective study concluded that cancer is being increased by calendar years both in males and females however, the incidence of cancer is higher in females compared to males. .