The health crisis due to the outbreak of Coronavirus since the beginning of 2020 has strongly exposed the effect of decades of public service cuts in France, especially in the fields of education or health. Although the French President has recently declared that the living conditions of people with disabilities were a “national priority”, this issue has not been addressed by public authorities while managing the current crisis. This article analyses and helps to understand the situation of young people with disabilities living in student residences in lockdown for about two months, an issue that has been overlooked. The case study is based on a series of interviews with Joseph, a blind Master's student, and some of his relatives. It looks back on Joseph's experience and academic career, his living conditions in lockdown, his difficulties in coping with distance learning, as well as the resources and support he gets to be able to live and get through.
Depuis environ une décennie, les acteurs du champ du handicap sont incités, voire contraints, à s’inscrire dans une démarche « evidence based » pour élaborer leurs projets, c’est-à-dire à appliquer sur le terrain des méthodes dont l’efficacité aura été démontrée avec un niveau de preuve élevé, dont la transférabilité aura été vérifiée par une recherche ad hoc, et qui auront fait l’objet de publications scientifiques. Cette exigence soulève plusieurs problèmes : ces méthodes, qui relèvent plus souvent de la prévention que de la promotion de la santé et sont décrites de manière trop succincte dans les revues, ne sont applicables que dans des contextes très précis et sont difficilement adaptables. La mise en œuvre d’une promotion de la santé de qualité nécessite une ouverture vers les résultats de recherches interventionnelles, d’évaluations réalistes, de recherches participatives, mais aussi des capitalisations d’expériences, des rapports d’évaluation, des recensements de pratiques prometteuses, des référentiels de terrain. Cela s’avère particulièrement vrai pour les projets avec les populations en situation de handicap, pour lesquelles très peu de données issues de la littérature scientifique sont disponibles.
For about a decade, actors in the field of disability have been encouraged, sometimes forced, to apply an “evidence based” approach to develop their projects, i.e. to use field methods whose effectiveness has been demonstrated with a high level of evidence, whose transferability has been verified through research works, and which have been the subject of scientific publications. This requirement raises several problems: these methods, which are more often in the scope of prevention than health promotion and are too succinctly described in reviews, are only applicable in very specific contexts and are difficult to adapt. The implementation of quality health promotion requires an open approach. It must be based on the results of intervention research, realistic evaluation, participatory research, and capitalization of experiences, evaluation reports, promising practices and field benchmark. This is particularly true for projects concerning people with disabilities, for which very little data from the scientific literature is available.
The evaluation of the quality of the processes of educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities is considered a key element in the improvement of their living conditions. The research presented here is part of the analyses carried out in Italy and abroad on the identification of indicators and categories able to provide a representative picture of the processes of school inclusion by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the system in local contexts. Assessing the quality of inclusive education is complex because the contextual aspects of educational interventions cannot be ignored. In a research-action approach, the study analyses the Italian situation in the regions of Lazio and Campania through the point of view of 291 specialized teachers or in the process of specialization in the support of pupils with special educational needs. Their evaluations, based on a scale from 1 (insufficient) to 5 (excellent), were obtained through a structured questionnaire that collects their opinions on cultural and educational aspects, on management, organisational and collaborative activities between teachers, school directors, local authorities and families, and finally on elements of a pedagogical and didactic nature necessary for quality school inclusion. The descriptive and inferential statistical analysis of the aggregate data sketches a school whose strength in terms of inclusion lies in pedagogical and didactic planning. On the other hand, collaborative aspects, especially synergies between schools and local authorities, are pointed out and hinder effective co-planning of different types of support. These results therefore argue in favour of a systematization of integrated networks of support services for all pupils with special educational needs. Regarding training, teachers generally have a negative view of in-service training, which should be deepened and extended to all categories of teachers. The article concludes on the need to promote the development and systematization of qualitative research and documentary collections on good practices of inclusive education in schools.