Cornual pregnancy (CP) is a subtype of ectopic pregnancy that is implanted in the interstitial segment of the fallopian tube which is defined as the tubal section crossing uterine muscular tissue. Widely recognized risk factors for CP are endometriosis, uterine leiomyomata, or pelvic inflammatory disease; all these diseases can cause tubal anatomic changes and consequently alter embryo physiological implant process. Many treatment options are available for this condition each one must be tailored according to patient and operating scenario. The incidence of uterine ruptures in the scarred uterus appears to be low, but the fear of it remains and therefore medical treatment might be favored over cornual wedge resection. The actual risk of uterine rupture after medical treatment is unknown. Multiple testing strategies exist to diagnose CP, but caution needs to be used to avoid a false diagnosis.