Cardiovascular diseases, which primarily include coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure (HF) and cardiac arrhythmias, are the leading causes of death in the European Union and responsible for most of the serious courses of coronary disease. Acute events are usually the focus of clinical attention. In contrast, there are hardly any structured care and therapy concepts for the long-term course of these diseases. Based on a literature review, this article provides an overview of the long-term consequences and long-term care of heart diseases. Deficits in the psychosocial care of patients and possible solutions are discussed.Patients with CAD often experience problems with medication adherence and compliance to behavioural recommendations due to inadequate long-term psychosocial care. Psychological comorbidities reduce the quality of life and are a driver for health-damaging behaviour. Patients with cardiac arrhythmias often get into a vicious circle of recurrent physical complaints interacting with anxiety and panic attacks and the associated use of outpatient, emergency, or inpatient care facilities. In the course of heart failure, a clinically significant growing number of patients are treated with antidepressants, the benefit of which is rather doubtful.The apparent deficits in long-term psychosocial care of cardiovascular disease and the quality of life of patients could be improved through the increased use of systematic collaborative care models by specialised care facilities with the involvement of general practitioners.