Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience difficulties with daily life skills (DLS). Difficulties with DLS create obstacles to independence. To move into adulthood more smoothly, it is critical to teach some DLS during certain periods, such as adolescence. In the present study, the skills of preparing an instant soup, setting the dinner table and placing dirty dishes in the dishwasher were taught to a 16-year-old adolescent with ASD via video modelling presented on a tablet PC. Maintenance and generalisation of the skills, as well as the opinions of the participant, his parents and his brother about the study, were examined. Finally, the participant's level of non-target information acquisition regarding the skills was examined. A multiple probe design across skills, within single-case experimental research designs, was employed in the study. The results show that the participant acquired, maintained and generalised the target skills. The participant and his family members were satisfied with the study.
This article is written by a dyslexic scholar in opposition to the psychological discourse on dyslexia. The methodological approach adopted is ordinary language philosophy; I argue that dyslexia is a paradoxical concept. As such, dyslexia as a concept lacks clarity and cohesion. The alternative concept of Lexism (the Othering of and discrimination against dyslexics by normative practices and assumptions of literacy) is a more helpful concept for those who wish to understand the nature of a dyslexic's existence.
This article investigates the roles of special education needs co-ordinators (SENCos) in the implementation of inclusive education (IE) in Ghana. The mixed-methods approach, specifically the convergent design, was adopted. Seventy-three SENCos responded to a questionnaire, and 15 SENCos were interviewed. The census approach was used for selecting the respondents for the quantitative phase, while the purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of participants in the qualitative phase. A semi-structured interview guide was used in collecting the qualitative data. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were used in analysing the quantitative data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. The study concluded that SENCos are ‘directors’ of the implementation of IE; hence, the Ministry of Education should clearly state their roles in the IE policy.