Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can be chronic and impairing, highlighting the need for effective treatments. Although Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for GAD, a number of patients continue to report GAD symptoms treatment. Integrating evidenced-based treatment components into CBT treatments, such as mindfulness- and acceptance-based treatment components found in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), may help improve the efficacy of treatment. Emerging interventions and research suggest that the cognitive restructuring aspect of CBT and acceptance stance of ACT (e.g., cognitive defusion) can be implemented into treatment concurrently from a stance of increasing a patient's coping skills repertoire and psychological flexibility. This systemic case analysis examined the efficacy and clinical utility of integrating ACT into a manualized CBT treatment for GAD. Furthermore, this study examined treatment efficacy and therapeutic alliance as the treatment rapidly and unexpectedly transitioned from in-person to telehealth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pre- to post-treatment and time-series analyses showed significant decreases in anxiety symptoms, worry, depressive symptoms, and emotion dysregulation. Although there was an initial increase in depressive and anxiety symptoms, worry, and emotion dysregulation following the switch from in-person to telehealth services, these quickly subsided and resumed a downward trend. The therapeutic relationship did not deteriorate during the transition to telehealth. This case study provides evidence of feasibility and efficacy of an integrated CBT/ACT approach in treating GAD. It also suggests that despite some temporary increase in symptoms, therapeutic alliance and treatment efficacy were not impacted by the switch to telehealth.
A small but clinically significant number of people experience delayed-onset Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); symptoms of trauma years after the events which are now being re-experienced. The following case report describes the use of the cognitive-behavioural treatment for PTSD with a woman experiencing flashbacks to domestic abuse endured more than 20 years ago. Mask-wearing mandated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered non-contextualised memories of life-threatening physical violence by an abuser who covered his face. She had been managing her flashbacks and intrusive thoughts with both behavioural and experiential forms of avoidance. An 18-session intervention was provided in her own home due to physical health difficulties. Treatment focused on managing hyper-arousal, reducing thought suppression, in-vivo exposure, stimulus-discrimination and re-contextualising traumatic memories. Regular outcome measurements were kept and results are presented as a single-case experimental design in 'AB' format (i.e. baseline period pre intervention). Symptoms of trauma fell to levels non-indicative of PTSD and speak to the evidence base for this modality, even when applied to delayed-onset difficulties in a non-traditional therapy setting. This conclusion is lent extra credence by an experimental design with good internal validity.