Purpose: The number of Korean midwifery licensing examination applicants has steadily decreased due to the low birth rate and lack of training institutions for midwives. This study aimed to evaluate the adequacy of the examination-based licensing system and the possibility of a training-based licensing system.
Methods: A survey questionnaire was developed and dispatched to 230 professionals from December 28, 2022 to January 13, 2023, through an online form using Google Surveys. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results.
Results: Responses from 217 persons (94.3%) were analyzed after excluding incomplete responses. Out of the 217 participants, 198 (91.2%) agreed with maintaining the current examination-based licensing system; 94 (43.3%) agreed with implementing a training-based licensing system to cover the examination costs due to the decreasing number of applicants; 132 (60.8%) agreed with establishing a midwifery education evaluation center for a training-based licensing system; 163 (75.1%) said that the quality of midwifery might be lowered if midwives were produced only by a training-based licensing system, and 197 (90.8%) said that the training of midwives as birth support personnel should be promoted in Korea.
Conclusion: Favorable results were reported for the examination-based licensing system; however, if a training-based licensing system is implemented, it will be necessary to establish a midwifery education evaluation center to manage the quality of midwives. As the annual number of candidates for the Korean midwifery licensing examination has been approximately 10 in recent years, it is necessary to consider more actively granting midwifery licenses through a training-based licensing system.
Purpose: This study aimed to detect relationships between undergraduate students' attitudes toward communication skills learning and demographic variables (such as age, academic year, and gender). Understanding these relationships could provide information for communication skills facilitators and curriculum planners on structuring course delivery and integrating communication skills training into the medical curriculum.
Methods: The descriptive study involved a survey of 369 undergraduate students from 2 medical schools in Zambia who participated in communication skills training stratified by academic year using the Communication Skills Attitude Scale. Data were collected between October and December 2021 and analyzed using IBM SPSS for Windows version 28.0.
Results: One-way analysis of variance revealed a significant difference in attitude between at least 5 academic years. There was a significant difference in attitudes between the 2nd and 5th academic years (t=5.95, P˂0.001). No significant difference in attitudes existed among the academic years on the negative subscale; the 2nd and 3rd (t=3.82, P=0.004), 4th (t=3.61, P=0.011), 5th (t=8.36, P˂0.001), and 6th (t=4.20, P=0.001) academic years showed significant differences on the positive subscale. Age showed no correlation with attitudes. There was a more favorable attitude to learning communication skills among the women participants than among the men participants (P=0.006).
Conclusion: Despite positive general attitudes toward learning communication skills, the difference in attitude between the genders, academic years 2 and 5, and the subsequent classes suggest a re-evaluation of the curriculum and teaching methods to facilitate appropriate course structure according to the academic years and a learning process that addressees gender differences.
Purpose: To ensure faculty members' active participation in education in response to growing demand, medical schools should clearly describe educational activities in their promotion regulations. This study analyzed the status of how medical education activities are evaluated in promotion regulations in 2022, in Korea.
Methods: Data were collected from promotion regulations retrieved by searching the websites of 22 medical schools/universities in August 2022. To categorize educational activities and evaluation methods, the Association of American Medical Colleges framework for educational activities was utilized. Correlations between medical schools' characteristics and the evaluation of medical educational activities were analyzed.
Results: We defined 6 categories, including teaching, development of education products, education administration and service, scholarship in education, student affairs, and others, and 20 activities with 57 sub-activities. The average number of included activities was highest in the development of education products category and lowest in the scholarship in education category. The weight adjustment factors of medical educational activities were the characteristics of the target subjects and faculty members, the number of involved faculty members, and the difficulty of activities. Private medical schools tended to have more educational activities in the regulations than public medical schools. The greater the number of faculty members, the greater the number of educational activities in the education administration and service categories.
Conclusion: Medical schools included various medical education activities and their evaluation methods in promotion regulations in Korea. This study provides basic data for improving the rewarding system for efforts of medical faculty members in education.
A virtual point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) education program was initiated to introduce handheld ultrasound technology to Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation in Guyana, a low-resource setting. We studied ultrasound competency and participant satisfaction in a cohort of 20 physicians-in-training through the urology clinic. The program consisted of a training phase, where they learned how to use the Butterfly iQ ultrasound, and a mentored implementation phase, where they applied their skills in the clinic. The assessment was through written exams and an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). Fourteen students completed the program. The written exam scores were 3.36/5 in the training phase and 3.57/5 in the mentored implementation phase, and all students earned 100% on the OSCE. Students expressed satisfaction with the program. Our POCUS education program demonstrates the potential to teach clinical skills in low-resource settings and the value of virtual global health partnerships in advancing POCUS and minimally invasive diagnostics.
Purpose: This study aimed to assess the effect of simulation teaching in critical care courses in a nursing study program on the quality of chest compressions of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Health Studies at the Technical University of Liberec. The success rate of CPR was tested in exams comparing 2 groups of students, totaling 66 different individuals, who completed half a year (group 1: intermediate exam with model simulation) or 1.5 years (group 2: final theoretical critical care exam with model simulation) of undergraduate nursing critical care education taught completely with a Laerdal SimMan 3G simulator. The quality of CPR was evaluated according to 4 components: compression depth, compression rate, time of correct frequency, and time of correct chest release.
Results: Compression depth was significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1 (P=0.016). There were no significant differences in the compression rate (P=0.210), time of correct frequency (P=0.586), or time of correct chest release (P=0.514).
Conclusion: Nursing students who completed the final critical care exam showed an improvement in compression depth during CPR after 2 additional semesters of critical care teaching compared to those who completed the intermediate exam. The above results indicate that regularly scheduled CPR training is necessary during critical care education for nursing students.
At the end of 2022, the appearance of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot with amazing writing ability, caused a great sensation in academia. The chatbot turned out to be very capable, but also capable of deception, and the news broke that several researchers had listed the chatbot (including its earlier version) as co-authors of their academic papers. In response, Nature and Science expressed their position that this chatbot cannot be listed as an author in the papers they publish. Since an AI chatbot is not a human being, in the current legal system, the text automatically generated by an AI chatbot cannot be a copyrighted work; thus, an AI chatbot cannot be an author of a copyrighted work. Current AI chatbots such as ChatGPT are much more advanced than search engines in that they produce original text, but they still remain at the level of a search engine in that they cannot take responsibility for their writing. For this reason, they also cannot be authors from the perspective of research ethics.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the learning transfer of nursing students in a non-face-to-face educational environment through structural equation modeling and suggest ways to improve the transfer of learning.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data were collected via online surveys from February 9 to March 1, 2022, from 218 nursing students in Korea. Learning transfer, learning immersion, learning satisfaction, learning efficacy, self-directed learning ability and information technology utilization ability were analyzed using IBM SPSS for Windows ver. 22.0 and AMOS ver. 22.0.
Results: The assessment of structural equation modeling showed adequate model fit, with normed χ2=1.74 (P<0.024), goodness-of-fit index=0.97, adjusted goodness-of-fit index=0.93, comparative fit index=0.98, root mean square residual=0.02, Tucker-Lewis index=0.97, normed fit index=0.96, and root mean square error of approximation=0.06. In a hypothetical model analysis, 9 out of 11 pathways of the hypothetical structural model for learning transfer in nursing students were statistically significant. Learning self-efficacy and learning immersion of nursing students directly affected learning transfer, and subjective information technology utilization ability, self-directed learning ability, and learning satisfaction were variables with indirect effects. The explanatory power of immersion, satisfaction, and self-efficacy for learning transfer was 44.4%.
Conclusion: The assessment of structural equation modeling indicated an acceptable fit. It is necessary to improve the transfer of learning through the development of a self-directed program for learning ability improvement, including the use of information technology in nursing students’ learning environment in non-face-to-face conditions.