In a home care setting, high-quality care is typically associated with continuity of care. In addition, the increasing pressure due to labor shortages calls for cost-efficient operations. This paper focuses on obtaining cost-efficient daily schedules over a longer time horizon, with balanced shift lengths, while ensuring continuity of care (using the continuity of care index). To address this challenge, we propose a novel method based on blueprint routes. This method generates daily schedules by constructing optimized shifts and routes with regard to travel time, (time window) waiting time, and shift costs based on hourly wages. To ensure continuity of care, the daily scheduling decisions are strategically guided using the concept named blueprint routes. The blueprint routes are pre-optimized (partial) routes that help to align the daily schedules to achieve continuity of care in the subsequent nurse-to-shift assignment. Model-based evolutionary algorithms are employed to overcome the NP-hardness of the routing problem and nurse-to-shift assignment. Real-life-based numerical experiments demonstrate that continuity of care does not have to compromise home care schedule costs significantly.
In many countries, the rapid aging of the population leads to an additional burden on already stretched long-term care systems. This often manifests itself in excessive waiting times for long-term care centers, and in abandonments (i.e., patients passing away while they are waiting). Interestingly, in practice, long waiting times are not caused by a lack of available total capacity in the system, but by systematic inefficiencies in the allocation of patients, each with their personal preferences and (in)flexibility, to geographically distributed care centers.
Motivated by this, we propose a new and easy-to-implement method for the optimal allocation of patients-in-need to nursing homes, balancing the trade-off between the waiting time performance and the individual patients’ preferences and levels of flexibility. The optimal placement policy found by solving a Markov Decision Process demonstrates that for small instances, the mean optimality gap of the allocation model is equal to 1. 3%. We validate a simulation model for a real-life use case of allocating somatic patients to nursing homes in the Amsterdam area. The results show that if more patient replacements are approved, the allocation model can reduce the abandonment fraction under the current policy from 32.2% to 7.4% and waiting times at the same time. Moreover, with the allocation model individual preferences can be served better, which thus provides a powerful means to face the increasing need for patient-centered and sustainable long-term care solutions.
This study aims to develop a heuristic for an outpatient appointment system considering patient classification.
The proposed heuristic was applied in simulations with eighteen scenarios, combining different environmental factors. Total cost was adopted as a performance metric, composed of the patient's wait time and the service provider's idleness and overtime. The patients were divided into two classes according to their no-show probability, in an arrivals sequence with a binomial distribution. As a significance test of the results, Bonferroni-adjusted repeated measures analysis was applied.
Having Dome rule as baseline, an increase in performance in terms of total cost (TC) was observed, which varied between 0.46 % and 5.94 % among the means of the simulated environments, validated using the proposed significance test. The greatest benefits were obtained in the scenarios with lower ratios between service provider costs and patient costs (CR), as well as lower coefficients of variation for service times (Cv). It was also found that the heuristic is more efficient when patients from the class with the highest no-show rate predominate in the session.
The single study identified in the literature that contemplates recalculations adopts deterministic service times to make its model viable. The present research, in turn, makes more realistic assumptions for the simulated environments, considering the variables and probability distributions most commonly observed in practical contexts
The proposed heuristic provided a significant increase in performance for some combinations of environmental factors analyzed, preserving flexibility in the choice of appointment slots and covering a wide range of healthcare services found in practice.
We develop a modeling framework for rostering, absence and demand uncertainty realization, and rerostering to perform detailed quantitative analyses of the robustness of nurse rosters. The framework reflects a real-life problem observed at the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care (DNIC) at St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim, Norway, but is general and has a high transfer value with respect to using it to analyze roster robustness at other departments. We present multiple proactive strategies to enhance the stability of a roster and a reactive rerostering problem used to improve the flexibility. An extensive case study is performed using historical data from the department. The results show that there is a great potential to improve the stability and flexibility of the rosters using the best combination of strategies. We show that allowing nurses to trade extra weekend work for extra days off, assign surplus work hours evenly over all work shifts, and consider the absence profile of nurses when making the rosters are key strategies to create robust rosters.
Layout design is considered a crucial aspect of healthcare architecture and its goal is to allow easy access to essential hospital services and effective patient care. Literature suggests that modifying or redesigning the inpatient unit layout is one of the ways to maximize patient visibility in an inpatient layout. However, prior work has been descriptive in nature and limited in their ability to derive optimal layouts. To fill this gap, we propose a non-linear optimization model that optimizes both equity and effectiveness in visibility by jointly determining the optimal location of two nurses and patient bed positions in multiple rooms. The bi-objective model is then converted into a single objective model utilizing the ε-constrained method, with equity in the objective function and effectiveness as a constraint. Patient visibility is estimated using a ray-casting algorithm that also considers nurses’ line of sight, door positions, and obstruction levels. A progressive refinement algorithm embedded in the Particle Swarm Optimization framework is proposed to efficiently solve this model. Our results suggest that optimizing bed position in conjunction with nurse position can enhance equity by over 45.2% compared to just optimizing the nurse position. Similarly, angular layouts are superior to linear layout by up to 53% in patient equity. We also notice that increasing spatial distance between nurses in angular layouts can further increase equity. Our approach provides valuable insights and can serve as a benchmark tool for hospitals looking to improve the design of their inpatient units that promote patient safety and high-quality care.
This work addresses the Multi-Objective Mammography Unit Location–allocation Problem (MOMULAP), aiming to meet three objectives: maximize mammography screening coverage, minimize the total distance traveled weighted by the number of users, and maximize equity in access to mammography screening. We introduce a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation to represent the MOMULAP and algorithms based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) and Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) for treating it. The algorithms were tested with data from seven Brazilian states. In these states, the number of cities ranges from 139 to 853, equipment from 23 to 347 units, and estimated annual demand for screenings from 96,592 to 1,739,085. The solutions provided by this work allow health managers to choose the appropriate location and allocation of the mammography units, considering different objectives.
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the resilience of Supply Chains (SCs), which has faced many restrictions and affected their global response. Worldwide stockouts were witnessed due to SCs disruptions, which may endanger lives since some products are critical to responding to this global threat, such as ventilators and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Thus, this work aims to help deal with the pandemic impacts on critical SCs, addressing the distribution of materials that are used to cope with the pandemic and considering the resilience of its SCs, dealing with a gap of few studies combining simulation and optimization approaches to tackle this situation. We propose a dynamic framework based on a stochastic population model to address pandemic behavior and an optimization model to support decision-making in a PPE supply chain subject to a pandemic-driven disruption that can be updated anytime necessary. We develop a social objective function that aims to deliver PPE where they are most needed. The proposed approach is illustrated by an example involving real data from a Brazilian company that distributes PPE during the COVID-19 pandemic. We find that profit was inversely correlated with social gain, suggesting that optimizing profits is a poor strategy for addressing public health or social crisis. Still, our model furnishes results with an acceptable profit while prioritizing its effect on coping with the pandemic. As implications, our framework can be applied to support decision makers to improve SCs’ resilience and better allocate resources during disruptive circumstances in which the uncertainty is high, such as future pandemics.
With the growing demand for healthcare resources, pressure on efficient usage of available bed capacity is increasing. Peaks in bed demand corresponds to overcrowding in upstream units such as emergency department or operating rooms. With a balanced schedule in elective surgeries integrated into the master surgical schedule, peak traffic can be leveled across the week without changing resource capacity. Hence, overcrowding is reduced without turning away any patients or increasing bed capacity.
This study formulates the integration of master surgical and elective surgery scheduling problems as an Integer Programming model to minimize the fluctuation in the required ward beds for elective inpatients admitted for surgery to the hospital, by changing the day of surgery. This demonstrates the opportunities for smoothing the expected patient demand for beds by adjusting the operating room schedule. This decision is made at the tactical level. The model has been examined using data on the elective patient demand for beds in the hospital during typical weeks driven from Hamilton Health Sciences in Ontario, Canada. The integer programming model has been solved using GAMS/CoinCBC MIP Solver. The model enhances bed management by not only smoothing but also reducing the peak demand. The optimal schedule reduces the peak patient demand for bed by about 3–19% for the test samples. The model can be extended to cover the demand for other resources such as ICU beds.
During Covid-19, medical service networks (MSNs) faced new challenges, such as an impressive increase in hospital visits, a shortage of hospital beds and staff, and insufficient information to estimate the number of mild and critical cases. In addition, governments were encountered to implement appropriate quarantine policies. Dealing with these problems became more complex and challenging when a new wave of disease occurred. This study develops a mixed-integer linear programming model for reorganizing an MSN to manage future pandemic waves. The model aims at reallocation medical staff to prevent a shortage of hospital beds. A fuzzy approach is employed to estimate the uncertain number of patients in each period. As a result, direct hospital visits are decreased by 60% on average, and shortages of beds are avoided by adding the fewest beds possible in each period. The model can also optimize several performance ratios, e.g., the ratio of hospitalized patients to the specialized personnel assigned to each hospital, which is decreased by approximately 40% in our case.