Background: Nurses are told to speak to their unconscious patients because hearing is said to be the last sense to depart. There was little reliable evidence before the 1990s that patients in an unconscious state could hear and understand what was being said. That led to reluctance on the part of health professionals to communicate with these unresponsive patients.
Objective: This historical overview aims to present researched evidence from the 1990s to the present detailing awareness that occurs in unconscious patients, when that awareness increases, and how to detect that awareness. It also includes research about the benefits of communicating with unconscious patients and descriptions of how registered nurses and other health care professionals, from a postsurvey after a continuing education course on experiences of unconscious patients, plan to communicate with unconscious patients.
Methods: A literature search was conducted, which included more than 150 articles and books about experiences of unconscious patients in several electronic databases, including PubMed, CINAHL, and the British Nursing Index. In addition, an analysis of 105 postcourse responses by registered nurses (89%) and other health professionals (11%), licensed practical nurses, emergency medical technicians, and cardiac technicians after taking a continuing education course on experiences of previously unconscious patients were analyzed.
Results: The Glasgow Coma Scale and the Full Outline of Unresponsiveness scale are helpful behavioral tools to identify levels of coma but miss detecting awareness in patients who can hear and understand but cannot move. The estimates are that 25% to 40% (J Trauma. 1975;15:94-98; J Neurosci Nurs. 1988;20:223-228; J Neurosci Nurs. 1990;22(1):52-53; Am J Crit Care. 1995;3:227-232) of patients diagnosed with a disorder of consciousness can hear and understand what is being said in their environment. Substantial evidence supports that isolation and loneliness, such as experienced by some patients perceived to be unaware, can be physically and psychologically harmful.
Conclusions: Strong evidence shows that some patients diagnosed as being in a vegetative state can hear and understand what is being said in their environment. Interviews with previously unconscious patients and electrophysiological methods show that awareness can be detected in patients perceived to be unconscious. There is documented evidence that patients experience awareness when going into unconsciousness, even when they appear unaware and when moved. To our knowledge, these times have not been researched using electrophysiological devices but established from interviews.
Background: Anxiety is a predictor of a bad prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease. Patients with coronary heart disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) reported high levels of anxiety, yet little is known about changes in anxiety levels after this procedure.
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine changes in anxiety levels of patients undergoing PCI and identify differences in anxiety levels based on patients' demographics and clinical details.
Methods: A convenience sample of patients undergoing first-time elective PCI (N = 165) completed the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale at baseline (discharge time) and 6 months later. Paired samples t test was used to assess the changes in anxiety levels. The χ2 test was used to examine the pattern of changes between the 2 time points. Patients did not have access to cardiac rehabilitation.
Results: Six months after PCI, the anxiety level scores decreased significantly; mean scores for the baseline versus follow-up were 10.84 ± 5.98 versus 4.29 ± 6.02, respectively (P = .001). Only 18.2% of the patients had normal levels of anxiety at the baseline compared with 71.5% 6 months later. History of hospitalization after PCI, being a smoker, younger age, and low level of education were associated with higher levels of anxiety at follow-up.
Conclusions: Although anxiety levels were reduced 6 months after PCI, assessing patients' anxiety levels and implementing psychoeducational interventions at follow-up should be incorporated to optimize the care of PCI patients, particularly for those who are younger, who are smokers, or with a low educational level.
Background: Clinicians are often familiar with quality improvement (QI) and evidence-based practice (EBP) processes, which provides guidance into what evidence should be implemented; however, these processes do not address how to successfully implement evidence.
Objective: Clinicians would benefit from a deeper understanding of implementation science, along with practical tools for how to use these principles in QI and EBP projects.
Methods: We provide a brief background of the principles of implementation science, an overview of current implementation science models and a toolkit to facilitate choosing and using common implementation science strategies. In addition, the toolkit provides guidance for measuring the success of an implementation science project and a case study showing how implementation science strategies can be used successfully in clinical practice.
Conclusions: Using an implementation science toolkit for designing, conducting, and evaluating a QI or EBP project improves the quality and generalizability of results.
Background: Although the body of knowledge related to Cardiac Surgery Unit Advanced Life Support (CSU-ALS) guideline has grown over the last 10 years, there is no existing literature examining the impact of this training on patient mortality outcomes.
Objectives: This article describes one institution's experience related to patient mortality outcomes following a rigorous training program following the CSU-ALS guideline. Because of the small numbers associated with cardiac arrests after cardiac surgery (0.7%-8%), statistical significance was not a goal.
Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used to compare mortality outcomes before and after CSU-ALS training. One hundred percent of the staff were trained in the initial year, and 85% to 90% of the staff maintained competency in the following years. The author used 10 years of retrospective data to compare mortality rates 4 years before and 6 years after the intervention.
Results: The retrospective data showed a decrease in the percentage of failure-to-rescue rate in the intervention group (control 16% vs intervention 2%). Fisher exact testing implies that the observed frequencies were not significantly different from the expected frequencies (P = .072 and P = .135). Because of the small sample size, statistical significance could not be established.
Discussion: This institution experienced an extremely positive track record in outcomes despite its inability to prove a statistically significant correlation to the CSU-ALS training. The overall observed and self-reported confidence level of the staff during the study period was outside the project scope but deserves mention and further research.
Background: After 3 decades of research, much is understood about the benefits of family presence during resuscitation (FPDR), yet translation into clinical practice has been lagging. This article provides guidance for nurse leaders seeking to advance FPDR by sharing the experience of establishing a multifaceted, hospital-wide program of education and policy development.
Objectives: This quality improvement project aimed to (1) implement a hospital-wide FPDR program guided by policy, (2) evaluate classroom and simulation educational interventions, (3) examine chart review data for evidence of FPDR practice change, and (4) act on information learned to further improve the FPDR program and increase practice implementation.
Methods: The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle provided the model for cyclic evaluation of the FPDR program at a rural Midwestern United States hospital. Interventions were classroom education for existing nursing staff, simulation for new nurses, and implementation of a hospital-wide policy. Outcome measures included nurses' perceptions of FPDR risks and benefits, self-confidence with FPDR, and evidence of practice change via retrospective chart review.
Results: Pilot data demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in nurses' perceptions of FPDR benefits and self-confidence post education, and the rate of FPDR practiced in the facility tripled. The PDSA cycle provided a useful paradigm for ongoing process improvement and program sustainability.
Discussion: After the delivery of an FPDR policy along with classroom and simulation education, an increase in the clinical implementation of FPDR occurred. The use of the PDSA cycle resulted in expanded approaches including the addition of FPDR to in situ mock codes.
Background: Despite early revascularization and supportive medical therapies, acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock (AMICS) remains the leading cause of death in patient's with myocardial infarction. Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) has been the device of choice for these patients but has failed to show mortality benefit over medical therapy alone. The Impella (AbioMed, Danvers, Massachusetts) is a more recently developed alternative in bridging patients to recovery.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate available evidence comparing mortality with the use of Impella (2.0 or CP) versus IABP in patients with AMICS.
Methods: PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and Scopus were searched to find articles comparing the outcomes of IABP versus Impella in AMICS patients. A total of 7 articles met the inclusion criteria.
Results: Thirty-day mortality was the primary outcome observed. Secondary outcomes included myocardial recovery and complications from device implantation. All studies support that there is no statistically significant reduction in mortality when utilizing the Impella over the IABP.
Discussion: Further research in an adequately powered randomized clinical trial is needed to shed light on the clinical characteristics of patients after AMICS who would benefit from 1 type of mechanical circulatory support over another. The therapy chosen is determined by provider discretion and skill set, as well as device availability. It is important for all care team members, including the critical care nurse, to understand the implications and complications associated with each therapy, so care can be catered to the individual patient's needs.
Background: Nursing practice workarounds (NPWs) are a significant problem for health care organizations. Identified NPWs serve as a catalyst for innovation to improve efficiency, patient safety, and system design. To date, a systematic review of NPW literature has not been performed.
Objectives: The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize evidence of NPW definitions, context, and prevention strategies, utilizing previous research to develop a framework that examines the current state of this phenomenon and implications for clinical practice, while highlighting the need for future research.
Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Academic Search, Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and Google Scholar databases were reviewed for eligible studies from 2013 to 2020. Results were further screened and sorted by relevance and scored for quality.
Results: Thirteen studies were included. Studies lacked the use of theory, and NPW definitions were varied. Nursing workarounds occurred most frequently when implementing new technology (46%) and when administering medications (31%). Contributing factors were workplace stressors and obstructions in workflow environment. Workaround prevention strategies include open communication and a proactive approach addressing conditions, situations, and processes. Overall study quality was low.
Discussion: This systematic review provides valuable information for critical care nurses and administrators regarding NPW. Implications for practice include the need for proactive and open communication between nurses and administrators when new technology and/or patient care processes require NPW. Administrative considerations include process and environmental improvement strategies to remove perceived workflow barriers. Future research to examine causes and consequences of NPW is needed to identify interventions for NPW prevention. Specific nursing considerations include workload, staffing and time constraints, and impacts of work-related stress levels. Critical care nursing processes should be examined for common NPW challenges. Interventions developed to address these challenges should then be tested to further advance evidence-based critical care nursing care.