We consider indifference pricing of contingent claims consisting of payment flows in a discrete-time model with proportional transaction costs and under exponential disutility. This setting covers utility maximization of terminal wealth as a special case. A dual representation is obtained for the associated disutility minimization problem, together with a dynamic procedure for solving it. This leads to efficient and convergent numerical procedures for indifference pricing, optimal trading strategies and shadow prices that apply to a wide range of payoffs, a large range of time steps and all magnitudes of transaction costs.
Understanding mortgage prepayment is crucial for any financial institution providing mortgages, and it is important for hedging the risk resulting from such unexpected cash flows. Here, in the setting of a Dutch mortgage provider, we propose to include nonlinear financial instruments in the hedge portfolio when dealing with mortgages with the option to prepay part of the notional early. Based on the assumption that there is a correlation between prepayment and the interest rates in the market, a model is proposed which is based on a specific refinancing incentive. The linear and nonlinear risks are addressed by a set of tradeable instruments in a static hedge strategy. We will show that a stochastic model for the notional of a mortgage unveils nonlinear risk embedded in a prepayment option. Based on a calibration of the refinancing incentive on a data set of more than thirty million observations, a functional form of the prepayments is defined, which accurately reflects the borrowers’ behavior. We compare this functional form with a fully rational model, where the option to prepay is assumed to be exercised rationally.