As schools have become ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diversified, multicultural mathematics education is emerging as the paradigm of school mathematics reform. When considering that an enacted curriculum is a set of beliefs put into action by a teacher, it is important to understand teachers’ beliefs for the successful implementation of multicultural mathematics education. From this perspective, this research analyzed mathematics teachers’ narratives to describe the multicultural transformation of their beliefs about mathematics as a school subject in the context of a multicultural mathematics teacher education course. The analysis shows that through the course participation, the teachers came to see mathematics as a cultural construct and challenged the Eurocentric perspective of mathematics. This change facilitated the teachers to seek ways to make school mathematics inclusive and equitable. The analysis also revealed the teachers’ contradicting beliefs, which led them to engage in dialogues for collective reflection to nurture their narratives of multicultural mathematics education. The results of this research imply that a multicultural teacher education program should be extended into a community to support teachers’ lifelong learning within a collaborative network of sharing and nurturing their narratives by integrating theory and practice about multicultural mathematics education.