Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate variables associated with difficulty disclosing past trauma. Across several prevalence studies, 26% of adults never disclosed childhood abuse until adulthood when they were asked in a research survey or interview question. In this Institutional Review Board approved study, group differences were examined (ability and inability to disclose a traumatic event) as well as predictors for difficulty disclosing past trauma. Method: A non-clinical population (N = 693) was examined to determine prevalence rates and group differences between participants unable to tell someone about a past traumatic event (10%) compared to those who could disclose past traumatic events (90%). Variables included pathological dissociative processing, internalized shame, coping strategies (task, emotion, avoidance), and cumulative trauma exposure. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine predicting variables for disclosure difficulties. Findings: The group that had difficulty disclosing a past traumatic event had more cumulative trauma, pathological dissociative processing, emotion-oriented coping, and shame. In the first logistic regression analyses, interpersonal traumatic events were predictors for the inability to disclose a traumatic event (classified 90% of group membership). In the second logistic regression, shame and cumulative traumatic exposure were predicting factors (classified 90% of group membership). Conclusion: Difficulty speaking about a traumatic event was associated with interpersonal adult and childhood traumatic events, more internalized shame, and cumulative trauma exposure. It is recommended that clinicians working with patients with substantial traumatic exposure address shame, pathological dissociative processing, and emotion-oriented coping strategies if they detect trauma disclosure difficulties.
Research on male survivors of childhood sexual abuse is notably deficient when it comes to addressing their sexual concerns, such as experiences of sexual distress, negative thoughts, and feelings related to their sexuality. Dissociation, a known consequence of childhood sexual abuse, could be associated with higher sexual concerns through identity cohesion. Precisely, dissociation can potentially be related to lower identity cohesion (e.g., not knowing what you want or need). In return, lower identity cohesion may be related to higher sexual concerns by impeding the capacity to know and accept oneself, which tends to promote a positive and healthy sexuality. This study aimed to examine the role of identity cohesion in the link between dissociation and sexual concerns in 105 men consulting for their history of childhood sexual abuse. Men completed questionnaires assessing dissociation, sexual concerns, and identity cohesion at admission in a community setting. Results of a path analysis revealed an indirect association between dissociation and higher sexual concerns through lower identity cohesion. The model explained 27.6% of the variance in sexual concerns. This study highlights the relevance of interventions targeting dissociative symptoms to improve identity cohesion and sexual health in male survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Functional neurological disorder (FND) represents a broad group of motor and sensory clinical symptoms which cannot be explained by other neurological diagnoses. Dissociation is considered a key mechanism in their development and maintenance. Despite psychological therapy being the recommended choice of treatment for FND, evidence for its effectiveness is in its infancy. This study explored the dissociative profile of forty-seven patients with FND and evaluated whether individual psychological therapy improved dissociative symptoms, psychological distress and general functioning among twenty-five adults with FND. Patients completed the Multiscale Dissociation Inventory, the EuroQol five-dimensional descriptive system, the General Anxiety Disorder-7 scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Our sample showed high levels of disengagement, depersonalization and memory disturbance at baseline. Treatment was associated with significant improvements in general functioning, and symptoms of dissociation and anxiety. Improvements in dissociative experiences were found to be possibly due to reduction in anxiety. Improvements in depression were the strongest predictor of improvements in general functioning. Limitations and areas for further research are discussed.
The Detachment and Compartmentalization Inventory (DCI) is a valid and reliable self-report instrument that assesses these two distinct forms of dissociative symptoms. However, there is limited research on the cross-cultural validation of the DCI. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an Italian translation of the DCI and examine its internal structure and psychometric properties (including internal consistency, convergent validity, and test-retest reliability) within an Italian-speaking community sample. The sample consisted of 1276 adults (887 females; mean age: 29.57 ± 10.96 years), who completed the DCI and other self-report measures evaluating dissociative experiences and childhood trauma. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the original two-factor model (χ2169 = 1312.80, RMSEA = 0.073, 95%CI 0.069-0.077; CFI = 0.94; TLI = 0.94; SRMR = 0.04). Additionally, the DCI exhibited good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity with another measure of dissociation. The study also confirmed the association between DCI scores and the severity of childhood trauma. Finally, a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis demonstrated that the DCI effectively distinguishes individuals who screened positively for dissociative disorders. Overall, these findings indicate that the Italian translation of the DCI possesses satisfactory psychometric properties, suggesting its utility as a screening tool for assessing detachment and compartmentalization experiences.
Dissociation is a multifaceted phenomenon that occurs in various mental disorders, including borderline personality disorder (BPD), but also in non-clinical populations. Severity of childhood trauma (abuse, neglect) plays an important role in the development of dissociation and BPD. However, the complex interplay of different dissociative symptoms, BPD features, and self-reported childhood trauma experiences is not yet fully understood. Graph-theoretical network analysis can help to better understand such multivariate interrelations. Objective: This study aimed to investigate associations between self-reported dissociation, BPD features, and childhood trauma experiences using a graph-theoretical approach. Data was collected online via international mental health platforms and research sites. N = 921 individuals (77.4% female) were included; 40% reported pathological levels of dissociation. Variables were assessed with established psychometric scales (Dissociative Experiences Scale; Personality Assessment Inventory Borderline Features Scale; Childhood Trauma Questionnaire) and analyzed within a partial correlation network. Positive bivariate correlations between all variables were found. When accounting for their mutual influence on each other, dissociation was predominantly connected to BPD features with effect sizes between rp = .028 and rp = .126, while still showing a slight unique relationship with physical neglect (rp = .044). Findings suggest close associations between dissociative experiences and BPD features. While childhood trauma plays an important role in the development of dissociation and BPD, its recall may not fully explain their current co-occurrence. Prospective studies are needed to shed more light on causal pathways to better understand which factors contribute to dissociation and its link to BPD (features).
Schizoid personality pathology is among the most debilitating and enigmatic forms of personality pathology. Some have suggested that a potential etiological influence on schizoid pathology is trauma. Thus far, research on the association between trauma and schizoid pathology has focused primarily on type of trauma (e.g., abuse vs. neglect during childhood) rather than who perpetrated the trauma. This contrasts with recent research on trauma perpetrated by someone upon whom the survivor relies and/or trusts (i.e. betrayal trauma), which many studies show has a uniquely pernicious association with several forms of personality pathology. However, this has not yet been examined with respect to schizoid pathology specifically. In this study, we examined the relative associations between trauma varying degrees of betrayal and schizoid personality pathology in a sample recruited from Amazon's Mechanical Turk (N = 300) using a Bayesian approach to structural equation modeling. Results suggest that interpersonal trauma in general was associated with higher levels of schizoid pathology. Findings further indicate that for men but not women, trauma with a high degree of betrayal was uniquely associated with schizoid pathology. These findings contribute to the growing body of research suggesting the influence of interpersonal trauma in general and betrayal trauma in particular on personality pathology and have implications for future research on and intervention with people with high levels of schizoid pathology.