Using the apparent-magnitude limited active galactic nucleus (AGN) host galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12 (SDSS DR12), we investigate the environmental dependence of the u-r, u-g, g-r, r-i and i-z colors of AGN host galaxies. We divide the whole apparent-magnitude limited AGN sample into many subsamples with a redshift binning size of ?z = 0.01, and analyze the environmental dependence of all five galaxy colors of subsamples in each redshift bin. It turns out that overall, all five galaxy colors of AGN host galaxies are weakly correlated with the local environment.
The discovery of γ - ray emitting Seyfert galaxies has opened a new unified scheme of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in which jetted Seyfert galaxies are viewed as young counterparts of radio loud AGN. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between gamma-ray (γ - ray) properties of jetted Seyfert galaxies and those of traditionally radio galaxies, radio quasars and BL Lac objects. Results show that jetted Seyfert galaxies appear as low luminosity tail of the radio loud AGNs on the luminosity redshift (Lγ – z) plane, indicating an evolutionary link between them. Nevertheless, narrow-line Seyfert galaxies (NLS1s) do not share similar characteristics with Seyfert galaxies as they possess higher luminosities and redshift than Seyfert galaxies, suggestive that NLS1s are more evolved sources. Analyses of γ – ray and radio core-dominance show that for each subclass of jetted AGN, the beaming angle is wider for radio than for γ - ray emissions. While Seyferts and radio galaxies, on average, have similar low inclination to the line of sight, NLS1 objects have orientations similar to quasars and BL Lacs. There is a significant correlation (r ~ 0.7) between the γ - ray core dominance and γ - ray luminosity. The results are consistent with the revised unification scheme and suggests that NLS1s are highly beamed sources whose parent populations can be found among the regular Seyferts and/or radio galaxies
This paper poses the problem of studying the role of large-scale electric currents propagating in the upper layers of the solar atmosphere in processes of coronal heating of the sun. For detecting and calculating the magnitude of the large-scale electric current, data on the distribution of the components of the magnetic field vector in the photosphere provided by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) were used. Photoheliograms of the sun’s corona in the ultraviolet radiation channels at 131, 171, 193, and 211 Å provided by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA/SDO) were used to estimate the temperature in the corona above active regions (ARs). The dynamics of the large-scale current and the average temperature in 9 regions with different levels of flare activity of the corona above the ARs have been studied and charts of the spatial distribution of the temperature in the corona above the ARs have been constructed. The following results have been obtained: 1. Heating of the coronal matter owing to ohmic dissipation of large-scale electric currents proceeds in a stationary regime. 2. The increase in the average temperature in the corona above an AR during solar flares to (<overline{mathrm{log}T }>=6.3-6.5) (2.0-3.2 MK) is caused, not only by heating of coronal structures by large-scale electric currents, but also by other processes at coronal elevations. 3. For the NOAA 11899 and 12494 regions a reduction in the average temperature of the corona to (<overline{mathrm{log}T }>=5.7) (0.5-0.6 MK) was observed with a simultaneous drop in the values of the large-scale electric current to zero. These observations indicate that the mechanism for heating of the corona by ohmic dissipation of electric currents is shut off at zero values (within the computational errors) of the large-scale electric current. 4. In the NOAA regions 12192 and 12371, when constructing charts of the temperature distribution in the corona outside flare events, hot structures with temperatures ≥ 10 MK were observed outside the flare events which appear to mark the location of the channel of a large-scale electric current at coronal elevations. For the NOAA region 12192 this assumption is confirmed by a numerical simulation carried out in 2016.
High-redshift blazars detected in the γ -ray band are the most powerful steady objects in the universe. Multiwavelength observations of these distant objects are of particular interest as they can help to understand the γ -ray evolution of blazars as well as the formation and propagation of relativistic jets in the early epochs of the Universe. In this study, we investigate the origin of broadband emission from 7 blazars with redshifts greater than 2.5 by analyzing the data accumulated with Swift UVOT/XRT and Fermi-LAT. We observe several flaring periods with significant increases in flux and hardening of the photon index in the high-energy γ -ray band for PKS 1830-211 (z = 2.507), LQAC 247-061 (z = 2.578), TXS 0536+145 (z = 2.690), and 4C+41.32 (z = 2.550). PKS 1830-211 was in an extraordinarily bright state on MJD 58596.49 when the 3-day averaged flux increased up to (1.74 ± 0.04)·10–5 photon cm-2 s-1. The X-ray emission of PKS 1830-211 is also strongly variable and is characterized by a hard photon index in the range of 0.34-0.94. To model the time-averaged broadband spectral energy distribution of the considered sources, we used a one-zone leptonic emission mechanism for the inverse Compton scattering, considering both synchrotron and external photons. We estimated the corresponding parameters of the emitting particles as well as the energetics of the jet.
Based on the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) phase dependent light curves, we confirm the eclipsing type variability nature for two G-type dwarfs: TYC 1417-891-1 and TYC 1478-742-1. Both objects show EA (Algol-type) light curves morphology. Orbital period for TYC 1417-891-1 is P ≈ 8.0 day and for TYC 1478-742-1, P ≈ 13.6 day. We present Gaia EDR3 and TESS catalogue important physical parameters as well as LAMOST spectra. Both objects are relatively bright and are located at a distance of 260.59 (±3.21) pc (TYC 1417-891-1) and 117.42 (±0.74) pc (TYC 1478-742-1). The TESS light curve of TYC 1478-742-1 shows also flares as well. We discuss possible nature of the secondary and faint objects around these stars.