Understanding the capacity of pathogens to cause severe disease is of fundamental importance to human health and the preservation of biodiversity. Many of those pathogens are not only transmitted horizontally between unrelated hosts but also vertically between parents and their progeny. It is widely accepted that vertical transmission leads to the evolution of less virulent pathogens, but this idea stems from research that neglects the evolutionary response of hosts. Here, we use a game-theory model of coevolution between pathogen and host to show that vertical transmission does not always lead to more benign pathogens. We highlight scenarios in which vertical transmission results in pathogens exhibiting more virulence. However, we also predict that more benign outcomes are still possible (a) when generating new horizontal infections inflicts too much damage on hosts, (b) when clearing an infection is too costly for the host, and (c) when vertical transmission is promoted by a greater growth rate of the host population. Though our work offers a new perspective on the role of vertical transmission in pathogen-host systems, it does agree with previous experimental work.
When females mate with more than one male, competition between rival ejaculates is expected to favor adaptations that promote fertilization success. There is now compelling evidence that sperm competition selects for increased production and allocation of sperm. However, sperm comes packaged in ejaculates that also contain protein-rich seminal fluids. Predicting how males should allocate individual seminal fluid proteins in response to sperm competition is hampered by our limited knowledge of their precise function. We use gene expression studies and interference RNA to ask how seminal fluid proteins in the ejaculate of a cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, affect a male's paternity share when in competition for fertilizations. We find that the relative expression of one seminal fluid gene, gagein, positively affects the paternity share of competing males and that knockdown of this and two other seminal fluid protein genes renders males mating in the offensive role of sperm competition incapable of fathering living offspring. Despite having a negative effect on offspring viability these seminal fluid genes have been found to be up regulated in response to rival males, consistent with a role in promoting competitive fertilization success. Our data contribute to a growing body of evidence that, like sperm, seminal fluid gene expression is subject to post-mating sexual selection via sperm competition.
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a powerful evolutionary force facilitating bacterial adaptation and emergence of novel phenotypes. Several factors, including environmental ones, are predicted to restrict HGT, but we lack systematic and experimental data supporting these predictions. Here, we address this gap by measuring the relative fitness of 44 genes horizontally transferred from Escherichia coli to Salmonella enterica in infection-relevant environments. We estimated the distribution of fitness effects in each environment and identified that dosage-dependent effects across different environments are a significant barrier to HGT. The majority of genes were found to be deleterious. We also found longer genes had stronger negative fitness consequences than shorter ones, showing that gene length was negatively associated with HGT. Furthermore, fitness effects of transferred genes were found to be environmentally dependent. In summary, a substantial fraction of transferred genes had a significant fitness cost on the recipient, with both gene characteristics and the environment acting as evolutionary barriers to HGT.
Coprophagy is a behavior where animals consume feces, and has been observed across a wide range of species, including birds and mammals. The phenomenon is particularly prevalent in juveniles, but the reasons for this remain unclear. One hypothesis is that coprophagy enables offspring to acquire beneficial gut microbes that aid development. However, despite the potential importance of this behavior, studies investigating the effects in juveniles are rare. Here we experimentally test this idea by examining how ingestion of adult feces by ostrich chicks affects their gut microbiota development, growth, feeding behavior, pathogen abundance, and mortality. We conducted extensive longitudinal experiments for 8 weeks, repeated over 2 years. It involved 240 chicks, of which 128 were provided daily access to fresh fecal material from adults and 112 were simultaneously given a control treatment. Repeated measures, behavioral observations, and DNA metabarcoding of the microbial gut community, both prior to and over the course of the experiment, allowed us to evaluate multiple aspects of the behavior. The results show that coprophagy causes (a) marked shifts to the juvenile gut microbiota, including a major increase in diversity and rapid maturation of the microbial composition, (b) higher growth rates (fecal-supplemented chicks became 9.4% heavier at 8 weeks old), (c) changes to overall feeding behavior but no differences in feed intake, (d) lower abundance of a common gut pathogen (Clostridium colinum), and (e) lower mortality associated with gut disease. Together, our results suggest that the behavior of coprophagy in juveniles is highly beneficial and may have evolved to accelerate the development of gut microbiota.
Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, and over the last 10 years the ready availability of whole-genome sequencing has permitted direct estimation of mutation rate for many non-model species across the tree of life. In this meta-analysis, we make a comprehensive search of the literature for mutation rate estimates in eukaryotes, identifying 140 mutation accumulation (MA) and parent-offspring (PO) sequencing studies covering 134 species. Based on these data, we revisit differences in the single-nucleotide mutation (SNM) rate between different phylogenetic lineages and update the known relationships between mutation rate and generation time, genome size, and nucleotide diversity-while accounting for phylogenetic nonindependence. We do not find a significant difference between MA and PO in estimated mutation rates, but we confirm that mammal and plant lineages have higher mutation rates than arthropods and that unicellular eukaryotes have the lowest mutation rates. We find that mutation rates are higher in species with longer generation times and larger genome sizes, even when accounting for phylogenetic relationships. Moreover, although nucleotide diversity is positively correlated with mutation rate, the gradient of the relationship is significantly less than one (on a logarithmic scale), consistent with higher mutation rates in populations with smaller effective size. For the 29 species for which data are available, we find that indel mutation rates are positively correlated with nucleotide mutation rates and that short deletions are generally more common than short insertions. Nevertheless, despite recent progress, no estimates of either SNM or indel mutation rates are available for the majority of deeply branching eukaryotic lineages-or even for most animal phyla. Even among charismatic megafauna, experimental mutation rate estimates remain unknown for amphibia and scarce for reptiles and fish.
In contrast to sexual selection on traits that affect interactions between the sexes before mating, little theoretical research has focused on the coevolution of postmating traits via cryptic female choice (when females bias fertilization toward specific males). We used simulation models to ask (a) whether and, if so, how nondirectional cryptic female choice (female-by-male interactions in fertilization success) causes deviations from models that focus exclusively on male-mediated postmating processes, and (b) how the risk of sperm competition, the strength of cryptic female choice, and tradeoffs between sperm number and sperm traits interact to influence the coevolutionary dynamics between cryptic female choice and sperm traits. We found that incorporating cryptic female choice can result in males investing much less in their ejaculates than predicted by models with sperm competition only. We also found that cryptic female choice resulted in the evolution of genetic correlations between cryptic female choice and sperm traits, even when the strength of cryptic female choice was weak, and the risk of sperm competition was low. This suggests that cryptic female choice may be important even in systems with low multiple mating. These genetic correlations increased with the risk of sperm competition and as the strength of cryptic female choice increased. When the strength of cryptic female choice and risk of sperm competition was high, extreme codivergence of sperm traits and cryptic female choice preference occurred even when the sperm trait traded off with sperm number. We also found that male traits lagged behind the evolution of female traits; this lag decreased with increasing strength of cryptic female choice and risk of sperm competition. Overall, our results suggest that cryptic female choice deserves more attention theoretically and may be driving trait evolution in ways just beginning to be explored.
Genotypes exhibiting an increased mutation rate, called hypermutators, can propagate in microbial populations because they can have an advantage due to the higher supply of beneficial mutations needed for adaptation. Although this is a frequently observed phenomenon in natural and laboratory populations, little is known about the influence of parameters such as the degree of maladaptation, stress intensity, and the genetic architecture for adaptation on the emergence of hypermutators. To address this knowledge gap, we measured the emergence of hypermutators over ~1,000 generations in experimental Escherichia coli populations exposed to different levels of osmotic or antibiotic stress. Our stress types were chosen based on the assumption that the genetic architecture for adaptation differs between them. Indeed, we show that the size of the genetic basis for adaptation is larger for osmotic stress compared to antibiotic stress. During our experiment, we observed an increased emergence of hypermutators in populations exposed to osmotic stress but not in those exposed to antibiotic stress, indicating that hypermutator emergence rates are stress type dependent. These results support our hypothesis that hypermutator emergence is linked to the size of the genetic basis for adaptation. In addition, we identified other parameters that covaried with stress type (stress level and IS transposition rates) that might have contributed to an increased hypermutator provision and selection. Our results provide a first comparison of hypermutator emergence rates under varying stress conditions and point towards complex interactions of multiple stress-related factors on the evolution of mutation rates.
The effective population size (Ne) of an organism is expected to be generally proportional to the total number of individuals in a population. In parasites, we might expect the effective population size to be proportional to host population size and host body size, because both are expected to increase the number of parasite individuals. However, among other factors, parasite populations are sometimes so extremely subdivided that high levels of inbreeding may distort these predicted relationships. Here, we used whole-genome sequence data from dove parasites (71 feather louse species of the genus Columbicola) and phylogenetic comparative methods to study the relationship between parasite effective population size and host population size and body size. We found that parasite effective population size is largely explained by host body size but not host population size. These results suggest the potential local population size (infrapopulation or deme size) is more predictive of the long-term effective population size of parasites than is the total number of potential parasite infrapopulations (i.e., host individuals).
Live birth is a key innovation that has evolved from egg-laying ancestors over 100 times in reptiles. However, egg-laying lizards and snakes can have preferred body temperatures that are lethal to developing embryos, which should select against prolonged egg retention. Here, we demonstrate that thermal mismatches between mothers and offspring are widespread across the squamate phylogeny. This mismatch is resolved by gravid females adjusting their body temperature towards the thermal optimum of their embryos. We find that the same response occurs in both live-bearing and egg-laying species, despite the latter only retaining embryos during the early stages of development. Importantly, phylogenetic reconstructions suggest this thermoregulatory behavior in gravid females evolved in egg-laying species prior to the evolution of live birth. Maternal thermoregulatory behavior, therefore, bypasses the constraints imposed by a slowly evolving thermal physiology and has likely been a key facilitator in the repeated transition to live birth.