In this research, a Secured Energy Efficient Chaotic Gazelle based Optimized Routing Protocol (SE2CG-ORP) is proposed to enhance the security for routing. The Feistel Structured Tiny Encryption Scheme (FS_TES) performs encryption after the data packets are initially created to enhance their secrecy and security. The nodes are then grouped using the K-Means Clustering technique to reduce network communication lag. The Type-II Fuzzy-C-Means technique considers high energy, trust value, and node centrality when selecting the cluster leader. The chosen cluster head sends the data packets to the base station using the Secured Energy Efficient Chaotic Gazelle-based Optimized Routing Protocol (SE2CG-ORP). Here, the residual energy and node distance parameters are satisfied using the Chaotic Gazelle Optimization (CGO) method to identify the most effective route for data transmission. The proposed model is compared to several current models in the results section using a variety of performance metrics, including PDR, residual energy, throughput, encryption and decryption times, delays, and network lifespan. By varying the number of rounds, the proposed approach obtained 62 Mbps, 96.65 %, and 92.07 % of throughput, residual energy, and PDR. Moreover, 0.77 ms of delay is obtained by varying the number of nodes. The PDR value of 79 % and the network lifespan of 1473.63 h were acquired by varying the number of nodes. The consumed energy of the network is 44.59 J, while the encryption and decryption times are 1831.36 ms and 1641.48 ms.