We develop an algorithm that combines the advantages of Priority Promotion, that is one of the leading approaches to solving large parity games in practice, with the quasi-polynomial time guarantees offered by Parys' algorithm. Hybridising these algorithms sounds both natural and difficult, as they both generalise the classic recursive algorithm in different ways that appear to be irreconcilable: while the promotion transcends the call structure, the guarantees change on each level. We show that an interface that respects both is not only effective, but also efficient.
We introduce the problem of adapting a stable matching to forced and forbidden pairs. Given a stable matching , a set Q of forced pairs, and a set P of forbidden pairs, we want to find a stable matching that includes all pairs from Q, no pair from P, and is as close as possible to . We study this problem in four classic stable matching settings: Stable Roommates (with Ties) and Stable Marriage (with Ties). Our main contribution is a polynomial-time algorithm, based on the theory of rotations, for adapting Stable Roommates matchings to forced pairs. In contrast, we show that the same problem for forbidden pairs is NP-hard. However, our polynomial-time algorithm for forced pairs can be extended to a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm with respect to the number of forbidden pairs. Moreover, we study the setting where preferences contain ties: Some of our algorithmic results can be extended while other problems become intractable.
The radio k-chromatic number of a graph G is the minimum integer λ such that there exists a function satisfying , where denotes the distance between u and v. A considerable amount of attention has been given to find the exact values or providing polynomial time algorithms to determine for several basic graph families such as paths, cycles, trees, and powers of paths, usually for some specific values of k. In this article, we find the exact values of where G is a power of a path with diameter strictly less than k. Our proof readily provides a linear time algorithm for assigning a radio k-coloring of G. Furthermore, our proof technique is a potential tool for solving the same problem for other classes of graphs having “small” diameters.