The anterior communicating artery (AcoA) aneurysms represent the most complex aneurysms of the anterior circulation. For years, surgical challenges including the intricate anatomy and narrow surgical corridor have been overcome using supplementary techniques including extended craniotomies, wide opening of the cisterns, gyrus rectus resection and special clips like fenestrated clips. However, imaginative solutions such as intraoperative clip modification may be inevitable in particular cases for safe clipping.
We retrospectively analyzed clinical records of two patients who required clip modification intraoperatively.
Case #1 underwent microsurgical clipping of a ruptured, 4-mm AcoA aneurysm. Unfortunately, given the short distance between the two A2s, it was not possible to clip the aneurysm without a compromise to the contralateral A2 with the available shortest 3 mm-fenestrated clip. We then used the clip modification technique intraoperatively by shortening the clip tips with mesh-plaque cutter and smoothening the remaining sharp ends using cautery sanding. Eventually, the aneurysm was clipped successfully with the modified-fenestrated clip. Post-clipping imagings confirmed complete occlusion of the aneurysm and patency of parent arteries. Case 2# underwent microsurgical clipping for a ruptured, 1-mm AcoA aneurysm. Like Case 1#, the initial clipping attempt with the available shortest 4 mm-fenestrated clip failed given the excessive length of the tips. The patient, thus, required clip modification as described above. The aneurysm was then clipped successfully using the modified-fenestrated clip, protecting bilateral A2s. Post-clipping imagings demonstrated patency of parent arteries with no residual aneurysm filling.
Clip modification seems to be an effective option in clipping the AcoA aneurysms when available clips are too long to secure them safely.