Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare child sexual abuse interview disclosures and judicial outcomes for cases of child and adolescent sexual abuse/assault seen in a pediatric emergency department (PED) before and after the implementation of a simulated child advocacy center (CAC) multidisciplinary model of care.
Method: A retrospective chart and legal records review was conducted from both the PED model of care group and the simulated CAC multidisciplinary model of care for judicial outcomes, child sexual abuse interview disclosures, and sexual abuse case characteristics.
Results: The simulated CAC multidisciplinary model of care did not result in increased indictments, pleas, trials, or disclosure of sexual abuse in the sexual abuse interview when compared with the PED model of care. The simulated CAC multidisciplinary model of care did result in a significantly higher rate of sexual abuse interview completion.
Discussion: Demographic risk factors for sexual abuse victimization as well as perpetration have been identified in the literature and were supported by this study. Law enforcement and child protective services were more frequently present in the PED under the simulated CAC multidisciplinary model allowing for improved protection of children.
Abstract: Violence is a global issue that destroys the quality of life in communities and societies. Violence includes intentional and unintentional injury found in individuals who seek health care after acts of family violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, trafficking, youth-on-youth violence, gang warfare, terror, war, disaster, and violence in schools, workplaces and prisons. The nature of violence is evolving. Death as a result of crime victimization now exceeds that of armed conflict. It is the position of the International Association of Forensic Nurses that forensic nurses are uniquely positioned to improve health outcomes that result from violence, including early identification of patients at risk of victimization or perpetration.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to explore the opportunities and barriers challenging sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) operating in rural and underserved areas. These challenges include the absence of established SANE programs, patient isolation and poverty, inadequate community support, and ensuring program sustainability. While not specific to rural communities, these challenges and barriers are further exacerbated by long-held beliefs and misconceptions that exist in small, close-knit communities. To mitigate these challenges, SANE programs in rural communities are asked to respond with creative and unique solutions. Through strong community partnerships and carefully coordinated efforts, SANE programs can thrive in even the most isolated and economically depressed rural communities.
Background: Persons with severe mental illness (MI) are at a high risk of becoming victims of sexual assault (SA). Vulnerability for SA with any type of MI is unknown. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of preexisting MI and other significant factors in patients reporting preexisting MI at the time of their SA medical forensic examinations (SAMFEs).
Method: A retrospective SAMFE chart review of patients ( N = 7,455) from 2010 to 2020 was conducted. Sexual assault nurse examiners completed SAMFEs. Inclusion criteria included (a) aged 14 years and older, (b) completed SAMFE with SA kit evidence collection, and (c) reported to law enforcement (restricted cases not included). Descriptive statistics and chi-square analyses were completed.
Findings: It was found that 46.7% of study participants reported preexisting MI and/or current use of psychotropic medications, more than double the MI prevalence rates in the general population. MI in patients seen for SAMFE was associated with prior history of SA, medical health problems, and physical or mental impairment. In addition, patients with MI reported more violent SAs with increased anogenital and nonanogenital injuries.
Discussion: The high prevalence rate of any MI in patients seen for SAMFE indicates MI in varying severity is a significant vulnerability for SA. The association of preexisting MI with a history of SA, health problems, and physical or mental impairment expands understanding of associated MI factors. These findings support the development of interventions by healthcare providers and stakeholders to address SA vulnerabilities in individuals with MI.