Background: Results regarding the associations between hypertension-related parameters and physical performance in older adults are conflicting. A possible explanation for these divergent results is that investigations may not have adjusted their analyses according to the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs).
Objectives: To examine the associations between hypertension-related parameters, ACEI use, and a set of physical performance tests in very old adults.
Design: Cross-sectional study from the ilSIRENTE database.
Setting: Mountain community of the Sirente geographic area (L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy).
Participants: All persons born in the Sirente area (13 municipalities) before 1 January 1924 and living in that region at the time of study were identified and invited to participate. The final sample included 364 older adults (mean age: 85.8 ± standard deviation [SD] 4.8).
Measurements: Physical performance was assessed using isometric handgrip strength (IHG), walking speed (WS) at normal and fast pace, 5-time sit-to-stand test (5STS), and muscle power measures. Blood pressure (BP) was measured after 20 to 40 min of rest, while participants sat in an upright position. Drugs were coded according to the Anatomical Therapeutic and Chemical codes. ACEIs were categorized in centrally (ACEI-c) and peripherally (ACEI-p) acting. Blood inflammatory markers, free insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and IGF-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) were assayed.
Results: Results indicated that 5STS test was significantly and negatively associated with diastolic BP values. However, significance was lost when results were adjusted for ACEI use. Participants on ACEIs were more likely to have greater specific muscle power and higher blood levels of IGFBP-3 than non-ACEI users. When participants were categorized according to ACEI subtypes, those on ACEI-p had higher blood IGF-1 levels compared with ACEI-c users.
Conclusions: The main findings of the present study indicate that ACEI use might influence the association between hypertension-related parameters and neuromuscular parameters in very old adults. Such results may possibly be linked to the effects of ACEI-p on the IGF-1 pathway.