[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0708.].
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2023-0708.].
Chiral optical forces exhibit opposite signs for the two enantiomeric versions of a chiral molecule or particle. If large enough, these forces might be able to separate enantiomers all optically, which would find numerous applications in different fields, from pharmacology to chemistry. Longitudinal chiral forces are especially promising for tackling the challenging scenario of separating particles of realistically small chiralities. In this work, we study the longitudinal chiral forces arising in dielectric integrated waveguides when the quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes are combined as well as their application to separate absorbing and non-absorbing chiral particles. We show that chiral gradient forces dominate in the scenario of beating of non-denegerate TE and TM modes when considering non-absorbing particles. For absorbing particles, the superposition of degenerate TE and TM modes can lead to chiral forces that are kept along the whole waveguide length. We accompany the calculations of the forces with particle tracking simulations for specific radii and chirality parameters. We show that longitudinal forces can separate non-absorbing chiral nanoparticles in water even for relatively low values of the particle chirality and absorbing particles with arbitrarily low values of chirality can be effectively separated after enough interaction time.
In view of the recent increased interest in light-induced manipulation of magnetism in nanometric length scales this work presents metal clusters as promising elementary units for generating all-optical ultrafast magnetization. We perform a theoretical study of the opto-magnetic properties of metal clusters through ab-initio real-time (RT) simulations in real-space using time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Through ab-initio calculations of plasmon excitation with circularly polarized laser pulse in atomically precise clusters of simple and noble metals, we discuss the generation of orbital magnetic moments due to the transfer of angular momentum from light field through optical absorption at resonance energies. Notably, in the near-field analysis we observe self-sustained circular motion of the induced electron density corroborating the presence of nanometric current loops which give rise to orbital magnetic moments due to the inverse Faraday effect (IFE) in the clusters. The results provide valuable insights into the quantum many-body effects that influence the IFE-mediated light-induced orbital magnetism in metal clusters depending on its geometry and chemical composition. At the same time, they explicitly demonstrate the possibility for harnessing magnetization in metal clusters, offering potential applications in the field of all-optical manipulation of magnetism.
Heterostructures play a pivotal role in the design of valley-locked waveguides, facilitating the manipulation of width as an additional degree of freedom. Through this design, we demonstrate the extension of the topological guided modes from the domain wall of topologically nontrivial valley photonic crystals (VPCs) into the trivial VPCs. We propose a C4 impurity to control the states of the light wave transmission in topological valley-locked waveguides through the intervalley scattering of defects in Quantum Valley Spin Hall topological insulators. By rotating the C4 structure, the ON/OFF (0°/45°) state of the valley-locked waveguides can be controlled, effectively serving as a switch component. Furthermore, many unique applications could be devised based on the introduced impurity. Examples include the development of coding channels with arbitrary output ports and energy concentrators with enhanced secondary concentration. The proposed topological valley-locked waveguides with C4 impurity will be beneficial for on-chip integrated photonic networks.
Photonics offers unique capabilities for quantum information processing (QIP) such as room-temperature operation, the scalability of nanophotonics, and access to ultrabroad bandwidths and consequently ultrafast operation. Ultrashort pulse sources of quantum states in nanophotonics are an important building block for achieving scalable ultrafast QIP; however, their demonstrations so far have been sparse. Here, we demonstrate a femtosecond biphoton source in dispersion-engineered periodically poled lithium niobate nanophotonics. We measure 17 THz of bandwidth for the source centered at 2.09 µm, corresponding to a few optical cycles, with a brightness of 8.8 GHz/mW. Our results open new paths toward realization of ultrafast nanophotonic QIP.
Sum frequency generation (SFG) has multiple applications, from optical sources to imaging, where efficient conversion requires either long interaction distances or large field concentrations in a quadratic nonlinear material. Metasurfaces provide an essential avenue to enhanced SFG due to resonance with extreme field enhancements with an integrated ultrathin platform. In this work, we formulate a general theoretical framework for multi-objective topology optimization of nanopatterned metasurfaces that facilitate high-efficiency SFG and simultaneously select the emitted direction and tailor the metasurface polarization response. Based on this framework, we present novel metasurface designs showcasing ultimate flexibility in transforming the outgoing nonlinearly generated light for applications spanning from imaging to polarimetry. For example, one of our metasurfaces produces highly polarized and directional SFG emission with an efficiency of over 0.2 cm2 GW-1 in a 10 nm signal operating bandwidth.
Dielectric metasurfaces supporting quasi-bound states in the continuum (qBICs) enable high field enhancement with narrow-linewidth resonances in the visible and near-infrared ranges. The resonance emerges when distorting the meta-atom's geometry away from a symmetry-protected BIC condition and, usually, a given design can sustain one or two of these states. In this work, we introduce a silicon-on-silica metasurface that simultaneously supports up to four qBIC resonances in the near-infrared region. This is achieved by combining multiple symmetry-breaking distortions on an elliptical cylinder array. By pumping two of these resonances, the nonlinear process of degenerate four-wave mixing is experimentally realized. By comparing the nonlinear response with that of an unpatterned silicon film, the near-field enhancement inside the nanostructured dielectric is revealed. The presented results demonstrate independent geometric control of multiple qBICs and their interaction through wave mixing processes, opening new research pathways in nanophotonics, with potential applications in information multiplexing, multi-wavelength sensing and nonlinear imaging.
We develop a fully vectorial and non-paraxial formalism to describe spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear thin films. The formalism is capable of treating slabs with a sub-wavelength thickness, describe the associated Fabry-Pérot effects, and even treat absorptive nonlinear materials. With this formalism, we perform an in-depth study of the dynamics of entangled photon-pair generation in nonlinear thin films, to provide a needed theoretical understanding for such systems that have recently attracted much experimental attention as sources of photon pairs. As an important example, we study the far-field radiation properties of photon pairs generated from a high-refractive-index nonlinear thin-film with zinc-blende structure that is deposited on a linear low-refractive-index substrate. In particular, we study the thickness-dependent effect of Fabry-Pérot interferences on the far-field radiation pattern of the photon pairs. We also pay special attention to study of entanglement generation, and find the conditions under which maximally polarization-entangled photon pairs can be generated and detected in such nonlinear thin-films.
One of the most significant and surprising recent developments in nanocrystal studies was the observation of superfluorescence from a system of self-assembled, colloidal perovskite nanocrystals [G. Rainò, M. A. Becker, M. I. Bodnarchuk, R. F. Mahrt, M. V. Kovalenko, and T. Stöferle, "Superfluorescence from lead halide perovskite quantum dot superlattices," Nature, vol. 563, no. 7733, pp. 671-675, 2018]. Superfluorescence is a quantum-light property in which many dipoles spontaneously synchronize in phase to create a collective, synergistic photon emission with a much faster lifetime. Thus, it is surprising to observe this in more inhomogenous systems as solution-processed and colloidal structures typically suffer from high optical decoherence and non-homogeneous size distributions. Here we outline recent developments in the demonstration of superfluorescence in colloidal and solution-processed systems and explore the chemical and materials science opportunities allowed by such systems. The ability to create bright and tunable superfluorescent sources could enable transformative developments in quantum information applications and advance our understanding of quantum phenomena.