In a world undergoing rapid change, the effective use of strategic alliances is important for a company to gain a competitive advantage. While previous research has mentioned the importance of understanding the authority and responsibilities of a successful alliance manager, few studies have investigated this topic using systematically gathered real-world data. This study aims to determine the kind of authority and responsibilities an alliance manager has in successful sustainability alliance projects. These generally require cooperation with players in heterogeneous sectors. An analytical framework was developed to examine sustainability alliance cases. Findings reveal that alliance managers at companies with excellent sustainability performance operate in an environment in which psychological safety is ensured. This enables them to autonomously develop emergent activities inside and outside the organization and have greater influence over alliance projects than the authority granted to them. This study suggests that it is essential for an organization to have a management philosophy based on sustainability as a standard for making value judgments. The communication of this philosophy contributes to the psychological safety of staff and thus their initiative taking in boundary spanning.