Background: The influence of external workload variables on the development of calf muscle strainsin football players has not been previously explored.
Hypothesis: Overloaded players would have an increased risk of calf muscle strain injury.
Study design: Prospective observational study.
Level of evidence: Level 4.
Methods: A total of 41 professional football players from 1 team were monitored for 2 consecutive seasons. Total distance covered (TD), and distances covered at high-intensity running, high sprint running, low (LACC) and high (HACC) acceleration, low (LDEC) and high (HDEC) deceleration, and at high metabolic load distance (HMLD) were monitored with GPS units. Accumulated players' external workload in the week before injury was compared with the weekly mean value of the 6 weeks before injury occurred for each player.
Results: Ten players (24.3%) suffered 16 calf muscle strain injuries (3.1 injuries per 1000 hours of match play; 0.5 injuries per 1000 hours of training exposure). Players with a calf muscle injury were older (p = 0.03), with higher body weight (p = 0.01) and height (p = 0.03). Injured players displayed substantially higher total training volume (p < 0.01), TD (p < 0.01), LACC (p < 0.01), LDEC (p < 0.01), HACC (p < 0.01), HDEC (p < 0.01), and HMLD (p = 0.03) in the week before injury, in comparison with the mean values of these variables in the 6 weeks before injury.
Conclusion: A week with a higher-than-habitual external workload might increase the risk of calf muscle strain injury in professional football players. Calf muscle injuries were preceded by a week with unusually high workloads associated with accelerating and decelerating distances and higher training volumes.
Clinical relevance: Monitoring external workload indicators may be helpful in determine players with a higher risk of calf muscle strain injury due to excessive workload during training/competition.