Purpose: Very high-risk, ductal-dependent or complex two-ventricle patients with associated comorbidities often require pulmonary blood flow restriction as bridge to a more definitive procedure, but current surgical options may not be well-tolerated. An evolving alternative utilizes a fenestrated Micro Vascular Plug (MVP) as a transcatheter, internal pulmonary artery band. In this study, we report a case series and an in-vitro evaluation of the MVP to elicit understanding of the challenges faced with device implantation.
Methods: Following single-center, retrospective review of eight patients who underwent device placement, an in-vitro flow study was conducted on MVP devices to assess impact of device and fenestration sizing on pulmonary blood flow. A mathematical model was developed to relate migration risk to vessel size. Results of the engineering analysis were compared to the clinical series for validation.
Results: At median follow-up of 8 months (range 1-15), survival was 63% (5/8), and 6 (75%) patients underwent subsequent target surgical intervention with relatively low mortality (1/6). Occluder-related challenges included migration (63%) and peri-device flow, which were evaluated in-vitro. The device demonstrated durability over normal and supraphysiologic conditions with minimal change in fenestration size. Smaller vessel size significantly increased pressure gradient due to reduced peri-device flow and smaller effective fenestration size.
Conclusion: Device oversizing, with appropriate adjustment to fenestration size, may reduce migration risk and provide a clinically appropriate balance between resulting pressure gradient and Qp:Qs. Our results can guide the interventionalist in appropriately selecting the device and fenestrations based on patient-specific anatomy and desired post-implantation flow characteristics.