Abstract: The Joint Commission (TJC), the nation's largest healthcare accreditor, was founded in the 1950s. Its Standards for Medication Management (MM) of titratable medications focused on prescriptive ordering practices versus reliance on nurse clinical decision making. The use of measurable endpoints to guide nurse decision making regarding medication titration has been the standard of care since the inception of TJC. Evidence to support altering these practice patterns is lacking. Using the 6 aims for the healthcare system (safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered) from the National Academy of Medicine, formerly the Institute of Medicine, and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Healthy Work Environment essential standards (skilled communication, true collaboration, effective decision making, appropriate staffing, meaningful recognition, authentic leadership), this article examines the impact of TJC MM standards on system design in critical care environments.
Purpose/aims: To explore nurses' perceptions of clinical nurse specialist practice as implemented in a highly specialized university hospital in Spain.
Design: A descriptive qualitative study was carried out in 3 inpatient wards, with a clinical nurse specialist within the team, at a high specialized university hospital in Spain.
Method: Semistructured interviews were conducted by purposive sampling with 17 selected nurses with at least 2 years of professional experience who voluntarily agreed to participate and signed the informed consent form. Analysis of the qualitative data was conducted according to Burnard's method of content analysis. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research checklist was used.
Results: Four main categories emerged from the analysis of the data: "qualities of the role-holder," "role competencies in practice," "integration with the team," and "impact of the role" on nursing, the patient, and the organization.
Conclusions: The findings of this study have interesting implications for the development and implementation of clinical nurse specialist practice in healthcare organizations. They also provide evidence of the benefit of implementing clinical nurse specialist practice for improving the quality of care, patient outcomes, and healthcare efficiency.
Purpose: A quality improvement/evidence-based practice project identified the critical components of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) transition-to-practice (TTP) needs based on the experiences and perceptions of entry-level CNSs (n = 4), experienced CNSs (n = 7), and directors of nursing (n = 6) employed in a tertiary healthcare center. Structured 60- to 90-minute face-to-face discussions were conducted.
Description: As knowledge workers, CNSs are critical to investigating, solving, and transforming some of the most challenging current and future healthcare problems. Lack of standardized CNS TTP may result in variable levels of practice, knowledge, skill attainment, and ability to attain interdisciplinary practice competencies.
Outcomes: Findings included identification of entry-level CNS TTP key components: 16 categories with 8 critical categories identified as imminent needs. Challenges identified included stakeholders' lack of knowledge/understanding of the CNS role and scope; enormous TTP expectations of entry-level CNSs; transdisciplinary relationships and collaboration; leadership culture and collaboration; organizational culture; deliberate practice; and lack of support, resources, and basic needs.
Conclusion: Critical components for advanced deliberate practice within a CNS TTP program include an organizational culture and subculture that understands and values the CNS, along with tiered sustainable support from preceptors, mentors, and support CNSs across the setting and system.
Purpose/objectives: Prolonged mechanical ventilation results from deeper levels of sedation. This may lead to impaired respiratory muscle functioning that develops into pneumonia, increases antibiotic use, increases delirium risk, and increases length of hospitalization. A trauma and surgical intensive care unit interdisciplinary team conducted a quality improvement project to lighten sedation levels and shorten mechanical ventilation time.
Description of the project: The project included multimodal elements to improve sedation practice. Standardizing the spontaneous awakening trial algorithm, creation of electronic health record tools, integration of sedation practices into daily rounds, and focused education for nursing were implemented in April 2021 through October 2021.
Outcome: A reduction of median hours spent on mechanical ventilation was achieved. Mechanical ventilation hours decreased from 77 to 70. Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale levels improved from a median of -2 to -1, and daily spontaneous awakening trials increased from 10% to 27% completed.
Conclusion: The quality improvement project demonstrated that, with increased daily spontaneous awakening trials and lighter sedation levels, the time patients spent on mechanical ventilation was shortened. There was no increase to self-extubation with lighter sedations levels. Shorter time on mechanical ventilation can reduce patient harm risks.