Background: Mucolipidosis type IV (MLIV) is a rare, progressive lysosomal storage disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability, delayed motor milestones and ophthalmologic abnormalities. MLIV is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the MCOLN1 gene, encoding mucolipin-1 which is responsible for maintaining lysosomal function.
Objectives and methods: Here, we report a family of four Iranian siblings with cognitive decline, progressive visual and pyramidal disturbances, and abnormal movements manifested by severe oromandibular dystonia and parkinsonism. MRI scans of the brain demonstrated signal abnormalities in the white matter and thinning of the corpus callosum.
Results and conclusions: Whole-exome sequencing identified a novel homozygous variant, c.362C > T:p. Thr121Met in the MCOLN1 gene consistent with a diagnosis of MLIV. The presentation of MLIV may overlap with a variety of other neurological diseases, and genetic analysis is an important strategy to clarify the diagnosis. This is an important point that clinicians should be familiar with. The novel variant c.362C > T:p. Thr121Met herein described may be related to a comparatively older age at onset. Our study also expands the clinical spectrum of MLIV associated with the MCOLN1 variants and introduces a novel likely pathogenic variant for testing in MLIV cases that remain unresolved.