Recent works have shown that in contrast to classical linear elastic fracture mechanics, endowing crack fronts in a brittle Green-elastic solid with Steigmann-Ogden surface elasticity yields a model that predicts bounded stresses and strains at the crack tips for plane-strain problems. However, singularities persist for anti-plane shear (mode-III fracture) under far-field loading, even when Steigmann-Ogden surface elasticity is incorporated. This work is motivated by obtaining a model of brittle fracture capable of predicting bounded stresses and strains for all modes of loading. We formulate an exact general theory of a three-dimensional solid containing a boundary surface with strain-gradient surface elasticity. For planar reference surfaces parameterized by flat coordinates, the form of surface elasticity reduces to that introduced by Hilgers and Pipkin, and when the surface energy is independent of the surface covariant derivative of the stretching, the theory reduces to that of Steigmann and Ogden. We discuss material symmetry using Murdoch and Cohen’s extension of Noll’s theory. We present a model small-strain surface energy that incorporates resistance to geodesic distortion, satisfies strong ellipticity, and requires the same material constants found in the Steigmann-Ogden theory. Finally, we derive and apply the linearized theory to mode-III fracture in an infinite plate under far-field loading. We prove that there always exists a unique classical solution to the governing integro-differential equation, and in contrast to using Steigmann-Ogden surface elasticity, our model is consistent with the linearization assumption in predicting finite stresses and strains at the crack tips.