The rheological property of cathode slurry is commonly influenced by coating speed and mixing temperature, thereby leading to its storage stability and coating uniformity. In this study, the effect of the temperature of slurry on the rheological behaviors is investigated under various shear rates and temperatures based on steady and dynamic tests as well as theoretical models. In the flow experiments, the thixotropic behavior of the slurry is observed at all temperatures tested, and it is reduced with the increase in temperature. The experimental data is captured well by rheological models, and the model parameters are evaluated under the combined effects of shearing and temperature, resulting in two generalized state equations for the description of the flow properties of the slurry. In addition, microstructural rearrangement and polymeric entanglement at high temperatures cause viscosity and modulus to change, giving rise to complex rheological behavior in creep and oscillatory shear. Compared with slurry at 25 and 40 °C, both storage and loss moduli are dependent on oscillatory strain in the range of 0.1–1000% at 65 °C. The difference in characteristic strain corresponding to yielding and strain stiffening behavior is only observed at high temperatures, whereas relaxation times were independent of temperature in the oscillatory shear test. Understanding the effect of the temperature of slurry on rheological behaviors will be useful for improving the manufacturing efficiency of electrodes.