Introduction: the recurrent dislocation of the patella is a condition in which the congruence of the surface of the patella is not maintained in its displacement on the intercondyleal groove of the femur in the flexo-extension movements of the knee. The objectives of the study are: to show the distribution of patients with recurrent dislocation of patella according to different socio-demographic variables and to evaluate the results with the use of campbell's technique.
Material and methods: An observational study was conducted in patients with recurrent patella dislocation in the period from December 2017 December 2019. Data collection was carried out with the review of medical records. The sample was 19 patients, the evaluation of the surgical technique was used the system proposed by the authors. Information processing included the calculation of summary measures for qualitative variables, absolute frequencies and percentages.
Results: The female sex and the age group of 15 to 30 years were the most frequent, healing was poor in two patients, good results were obtained in 84.3% of the operated patients.
Conclusions: Predominance of the female sex and the group of 15 to 30 years, the healing was bad in two patients, good results were obtained in the operated patients. Although most authors recommend medial patello-femoral ligament repair as a technique of choice or the Insall technique, Campbell's technique yields good results when applied to recurrent patella dislocation that need proximal realignment of the extensor mechanism.