[This corrects the article on p. 38 in vol. 5, PMID: 32510029.].
[This corrects the article on p. 38 in vol. 5, PMID: 32510029.].
Objectives: The objectives were to estimate prevalence of obesity among frail individuals aged ≥80 years and examine the association of obesity with cognitive impairment and depression among frail individuals aged ≥80 years.
Methods: Two-hundred community-dwelling participants aged ≥80 years, were enrolled; 166 frail participants were further analyzed. Obesity and adiposity were determined by Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference (WC) and Body Fat Percentage (BF%). Cognitive impairment and Depression were assessed using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). Frailty was assessed by Fried criteria. Chi-Square, t-test, trend-analysis and Logistic Regression (LR) were done.
Results: Obesity among Frail individuals aged ≥80 years was 40% using BMI and 73.2% using WC. Obesity was inversely associated with cognitive impairment and depression among frail individuals. Severity of cognitive impairment and depression was lower among obese frail than non-obese frail. Trend-analysis showed decreasing cognitive impairment and depression with increasing BF%. On LR, obesity among frail individuals had inverse association with cognitive impairment and depression.
Conclusion: Obesity among frail individuals aged ≥80 years was associated with lower odds of cognitive impairment and depression in our population. Positive effects of weight gain in oldest old frail individuals and development of cognitive impairment and dementia should be explored in further researches.
Objectives: To determine whether handgrip strength can be used as a proxy for detecting slow walking speed in older adults. Measuring walking speed in older adults can be challenging as cognitive and functional decline may have a significant impact on test performance.
Methods: Hundred subjects aged >/= 60 were recruited. Slow walking speed was defined as walking speed <1.0 m/s. Handgrip strength was measured using handheld dynamometer. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the two.
Results: The mean age of the study participants was 67.8±6.2 years. There were 63 males and 37 females. The mean handgrip strength of the participants was 23±5.9 kgs. Older subjects had slow gait speed (r=-0.40, p<0.001) while patients with higher BMI (r=0.36, p<0.001), handgrip strength (r=0.72, p<0.001) and appendicular lean mass (r=0.53, p<0.001) had normal gait speed. On multiple linear regression analysis, only handgrip strength (OR 0.71; 95% CI 0.58-0.87, p=0.001) and nutritional status (OR 8.60; 95% CI 1.98 - 37.40, p=0.004) were found to have a significant association with walking speed.
Conclusions: Our study shows that handgrip strength assessment can be used as a surrogate indicator for detecting slow walking speed. Large population studies are warranted to examine its validity.
Weight-bearing exercise (WBE) has been identified as an appropriate approach for increasing peak bone mass, however, there is a lack of specific physical activity recommendations in this area. Thus, the aim of this systematic review is to determine the optimal mode of WBE, specifically identifying the intensity, duration, frequency, and load, to elicit the optimal effect on bone mass in young females, aged 5-18. A literature search was conducted from the 28th of June to the 20th of July 2021 using PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and SPORTDiscus. The search produced 1405 results, of which 15 were deemed appropriate for inclusion. The majority of studies (n=12) found a significant positive effect for at least one bone measure through their respective WBE exposure (p<0.05). Bone mass accrual was found to be site-specific depending on WBE exposure type, load, and maturity status. Also, longitudinal effects on bone mass accrual were found exclusively in gymnastics participants, even if participation level decreased (i.e., retirement). The results of this study support the use of WBE to improve parameters of bone health. However, further research is needed as the optimal mode of WBE to elicit the optimal effect on bone mass is still unclear.
Studies have shown that musculoskeletal pain is one of the most prevalent health conditions that affects many individuals worldwide. In older adults, persistent pain is a widely prevalent and a disabling condition of multiple contributing factors: physical, mental, and social. Consequently, their quality of life is hampered. We aimed to analyze the effectiveness of a multimodal circuit exercise program on chronic musculoskeletal pain and disabling in older adults. This is a randomized parallel study (two arms) with blinded outcome assessments. The participants' recruitment will be done by a non-probabilistic sampling resulting from invitations to Basic Health Units (BHU). The sample size estimation indicated 164 participants. Participants will be allocated, by means of a randomization process, to one of two groups (82 for each group): Experimental Group (multimodal circuit exercise) or Control Group (cycle of multidisciplinary lectures on pain and stretching exercise). All analyses will be processed using the RStudio software, with significance when a p-value of 2 tails is less than 5% (p<0.05). Statistical analysis will follow the intention to treat. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04719130, January 20, 2021.
Objectives: Establish the prevalence of low skeletal muscle index and density in our population, by comparing age and sex matched cohorts of patients with and without cancer, using standardized methodology for CT-Body composition (CT-BC).
Methods: A retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. Patients admitted to our institution between 17th March 2020 - 1st May 2020, with confirmed coronavirus disease and imaging suitable for CT-BC (n=52), were age and sex matched with patients undergoing resection for colorectal cancer (n=52).
Results: 104 patients were included in the final analysis. 43% (n=45) were male, 77% (n=80) were aged 65 years or older, 50% (n=50) were overweight (BMI ≥25) and 53% (n=55) were systemically inflamed (mGPS ≥1). The prevalence of a low SMI (56% vs. 65%) and low SMD (83% vs. 67%) was similar between cohorts. A low SMI and SMD were both associated with age (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively) on univariate analysis. On multivariate analysis, a low SMD was independently associated with age (OR 2.38 (1.34-4.22), p=0.003) and mGPS (OR 2.10 (1.20-3.68), p=0.01).
Conclusions: In conclusion, the prevalence of a low SMI and low SMD was similar in non-cancer and cancer cohorts in our institution.
Objectives: To determine the effects of hospitalisation upon frailty and sarcopenia.
Methods: Prospective cohort study at single UK hospital including adults ≥70 years-old admitted for elective colorectal surgery, emergency abdominal surgery, or acute infections. Serial assessments for frailty (Fried, Frailty Index, Clinical Frailty Scale [CFS]), and sarcopenia (handgrip strength, ultrasound quadriceps and/or bioelectrical impedance analysis, and gait speed and/or Short Physical Performance Battery) were conducted at baseline, 7 days post-admission/post-operatively, and 13 weeks post-admission/post-operatively.
Results: Eighty participants were included (mean age 79.2, 38.8% females). Frailty prevalence by all criteria at baseline was higher among medical compared to surgical participants. Median and estimated marginal CFS values and Fried frailty prevalence increased after 7 days, with rates returning towards baseline at 13 weeks. Sarcopenia incidence amongst those who did not have sarcopenia at baseline was 20.0%. However, some participants demonstrated improvements in sarcopenia status, and overall sarcopenia prevalence did not change. There was significant overlap between diagnoses with 37.3% meeting criteria for all four diagnoses at 7 days.
Conclusions: Induced frailty and acute sarcopenia are overlapping conditions affecting older adults during hospitalisation. Rates of frailty returned towards baseline at 13 weeks, suggesting that induced frailty is reversible.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire that can reliably recognize Greek individuals over the age of 60 with increased risk of falls.
Methods: An 11-item self-reported Questionnaire (LRMS) was developed and delivered to 200 individuals. Collected data were compared to Timed Up and Go (TUG), Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I), Tinetti Assessment Tool, Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15) and Morse fall scale. The results were statistically analyzed.
Results: Correlation between LRMS and the examined tools was high TUG (r=0.831), FES-I (r=-0.820), Tinetti balance (r=-0.812), Tinetti gait (r=-0.789), GDS-15 (r=-0.562), and Morse fall scale (r=0.795). Cronbach's alpha for LRMS total score was 0.807. ICC of the LRMS total score was 0.991. The area under the curve of LRMS was 0.930 (cut-off point 10.5, 95% C.I. 0.88 - 0.98, p<0.001, sensitivity=86%, specificity=98%) with TUG as gold standard, 0.919 (cut-off point 11.5, 95% C.I. 0.88 - 0.96, p<0.001, sensitivity=85%, specificity=89%) with FES-I and 0.947 (cut-off point 10.5, 95% C.I. 0.91 - 0.98, p<0.001, sensitivity=93%, specificity=91%) with Tinetti.
Conclusions: The LRMS Questionnaire showed sufficient internal consistency, excellent test-retest reliability and high correlation with the already established tools for fall risk assessment. It is short and easy to use without assistance from specially trained personnel.
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effect of frailty in patients undergoing radical cystectomy (RC) for locally advanced bladder cancer.
Methods: In this retrospective, single center study we evaluated 51 patients with pT4 bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy between 2016-2020. Patient frailty was assessed with the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Furthermore, six separate parameters (early mortality index within 30 days after surgery, death after one year, length of stay, respiratory complications, readmission index, total hospital charges) were also evaluated. The patients were categorized on three groups (Group 1, 2, 3) based on the CFS.
Results: A total of 51 pT4 RC patients were included in the study. Mean age was 75.6 years. Early mortality rate at 30 days after surgery was low all the groups. One year mortality rate was higher in Group 2 (22%) and 3 (69%). The length of stay and the number of patients with respiratory complications were also higher in the frailer groups. 30 days readmission rate was 22% in Group 2 and 38% in Group 3.
Conclusions: Preoperative frailty is associated with worse postoperative results after RC. CFS is an objective tool for patient risk stratification and can predict postoperative complications and mortality.
Trial literature on falls management in care homes may provide limited detail on current practice and instead this information may be found in grey literature. This scoping review aimed to identify the key characteristics of current falls management programmes for UK care homes identified from the grey literature. A scoping review was conducted and evidence sources were included if they were targeted at UK care homes for older people and included any component of falls management (assessment, intervention, training). Search activities included searches of electronic databases, professional websites and contacting care homes for current examples. The principles of intervention component analysis were conducted to describe the features of falls management. Forty-eight evidence sources were included (17 online resources, 10 online articles, 9 policies and standards and 12 examples provided by individual care homes). 67 themes were identified under eight domains. The core domains detailed the characteristics of Assessment, Interventions and Training. The approach taken to managing falls was an overarching domain, with supporting domains including how to report and monitor falls, when to complete assessments and interventions, governance and accountability, and involvement of the wider healthcare system.