Dehydration of cells by acute hyperosmotic stress has profound effects upon cell structure and function. Interphase chromatin and mitotic chromosomes collapse ("congelation"). HL-60/S4 cells remain ~100% viable for, at least, 1 hour, exhibiting shrinkage to ~2/3 their original volume, when placed in 300mM sucrose in tissue culture medium. Fixed cells were imaged by immunostaining confocal and STED microscopy. At a "global" structural level (μm), mitotic chromosomes congeal into a residual gel with apparent (phase) separations of Ki67, CTCF, SMC2, RAD21, H1 histones and HMG proteins. At an "intermediate" level (sub-μm), radial distribution analysis of STED images revealed a most probable peak DNA density separation of ~0.16 μm, essentially unchanged by hyperosmotic stress. At a "local" structural level (~1-2 nm), in vivo crosslinking revealed essentially unchanged crosslinked products between H1, HMG and inner histones. Hyperosmotic cellular stress is discussed in terms of concepts of mitotic chromosome structure and liquid-liquid phase separation.
The functional organization of the plant nuclear envelope is gaining increasing attention through new connections made between nuclear envelope-associated proteins and important plant biological processes. Animal nuclear envelope proteins play roles in nuclear morphology, nuclear anchoring and movement, chromatin tethering and mechanical signaling. However, how these roles translate to functionality in a broader biological context is often not well understood. A surprising number of plant nuclear envelope-associated proteins are plant-unique, suggesting that separate functionalities evolved after the split of Opisthokonta and Streptophyta. Significant progress has now been made in discovering broader biological roles of plant nuclear envelope proteins, increasing the number of known plant nuclear envelope proteins, and connecting known proteins to chromatin organization, gene expression, and the regulation of nuclear calcium. The interaction of viruses with the plant nuclear envelope is another emerging theme. Here, we survey the recent developments in this still relatively new, yet rapidly advancing field.
In S. cerevisiae prophase meiotic chromosomes move by forces generated in the cytoplasm and transduced to the telomere via a protein complex located in the nuclear membrane. We know that chromosome movements require actin cytoskeleton [13,31] and the proteins Ndj1, Mps3, and Csm4. Until recently, the identity of the protein connecting Ndj1-Mps3 with the cytoskeleton components was missing. It was also not known the identity of a cytoplasmic motor responsible for interacting with the actin cytoskeleton and a protein at the outer nuclear envelope. Our recent work [36] identified Mps2 as the protein connecting Ndj1-Mps3 with cytoskeleton components; Myo2 as the cytoplasmic motor that interacts with Mps2; and Cms4 as a regulator of Mps2 and Myo2 interaction and activities (Figure 1). Below we present a model for how Mps2, Csm4, and Myo2 promote chromosome movements by providing the primary connections joining telomeres to the actin cytoskeleton through the LINC complex.
Chromatin 'blobs' were recently identified by live super-resolution imaging of labeled nucleosomes as pervasive but fleeting structural entities. However, the mechanisms leading to the formation of these blobs and their functional implications are unknown. We explore here whether causal relationships exist between parameters that characterize the chromatin blob dynamics and structure, by adapting a framework for spatio-temporal Granger-causality inference. Our analysis reveals that chromatin dynamics is a key determinant for both blob area and local density. Such causality, however, could be demonstrated only in 10-20% of the nucleus, suggesting that chromatin dynamics and structure at the nanometer scale are dominated by stochasticity. We show that the theory of active semiflexible polymers can be invoked to provide potential mechanisms leading to the organization of chromatin into blobs. Our results represent a first step toward elucidating the mechanisms that govern the dynamic and stochastic organization of chromatin in the cell nucleus.
The double membrane nuclear envelope (NE), which is contiguous with the ER, contains nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) - the channels for nucleocytoplasmic transport, and the nuclear lamina (NL) - a scaffold for NE and chromatin organization. Since numerous human diseases linked to NE proteins occur in mesenchyme-derived cells, we used proteomics to characterize NE and other subcellular fractions isolated from mesenchymal stem cells and from adipocytes and myocytes. Based on spectral abundance, we calculated enrichment scores for proteins in the NE fractions. We demonstrated by quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy that five little-characterized proteins with high enrichment scores are substantially concentrated at the NE, with Itprip exposed at the outer nuclear membrane, Smpd4 enriched at the NPC, and Mfsd10, Tmx4, and Arl6ip6 likely residing in the inner nuclear membrane. These proteins provide new focal points for studying the functions of the NE. Moreover, our datasets provide a resource for evaluating additional potential NE proteins.
Active meiotic chromosome movements are a universally conserved feature. They occur at the early stages of prophase of the first meiotic division and support the chromosome pairing process by (1) efficiently installing the synaptonemal complex between homologous chromosomes, (2) discouraging inadvertent chromosome interactions and (3) bringing homologous chromosomes into proximity. Chromosome movements are driven by forces in the cytoplasm, which are passed on to chromosome ends attached to the nuclear periphery by nuclear-membrane-spanning protein modules. In this extra view, we highlight our recent studies into the role of the nuclear lamina during this process to emphasize that it is a highly conserved structure in metazoans. The nuclear lamina forms a rigid proteinaceous network that underlies the inner nuclear membrane to provide stability to the nucleus. Misdemeanors of the nuclear lamina during meiosis has deleterious consequences for the viability and health of the offspring, highlighting the importance of a functional nuclear lamina during this cell cycle stage. Abbreviations: DSB: DNA double strand break; LEM: LAP2, Emerin, MAN1; LINC: LInker of the Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton; RPM: rapid prophase movement; SUN/KASH: Sad1p, UNC-84/Klarsicht, ANC-1, Syne Homology.
Genome-wide mapping of lamin-B1-genome interactions has shown that gene-poor and transcriptionally inactive genomic regions are associated with the nuclear lamina. Numerous studies have suggested that lamins, the major structural components of the nuclear lamina, play a role in global chromatin organization and gene expression. How lamins could influence the 3D genome organization and transcription from the nuclear periphery has, however, remained unclear. Our recent studies showed that lamins differentially regulate distinct lamina-associated chromatin domains (LADs) at the nuclear periphery, which can in turn influence global 3D genome organization and gene expression. In this Extra View, we discuss how by using various genomics tools, it has become possible to reveal the functions of lamins in orchestrating 3D genome organization and gene expression. Abbreviations: 3D: three dimensional; LAD: lamina-associated chromatin domain; 3C: Chromosome Conformation Capture; TAD: topologically associated domain; HiLands: Histone and lamina landscape; NL: nuclear lamina; mESC: mouse embryonic stem cell; DamID: DNA adenine methyltransferase identification.
The eukaryotic cell nucleus is a central organelle whose architecture determines genome function at multiple levels. Deciphering nuclear organizing principles influencing cellular responses and identity is a timely challenge. Despite many similarities between plant and animal nuclei, plant nuclei present intriguing specificities. Complementary to molecular and biochemical approaches, 3D microscopy is indispensable for resolving nuclear architecture. However, novel solutions are required for capturing cell-specific, sub-nuclear and dynamic processes. We provide a pointer for utilising high-to-super-resolution microscopy and image processing to probe plant nuclear architecture in 3D at the best possible spatial and temporal resolution and at quantitative and cell-specific levels. High-end imaging and image-processing solutions allow the community now to transcend conventional practices and benefit from continuously improving approaches. These promise to deliver a comprehensive, 3D view of plant nuclear architecture and to capture spatial dynamics of the nuclear compartment in relation to cellular states and responses. Abbreviations: 3D and 4D: Three and Four dimensional; AI: Artificial Intelligence; ant: antipodal nuclei (ant); CLSM: Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy; CTs: Chromosome Territories; DL: Deep Learning; DLIm: Dynamic Live Imaging; ecn: egg nucleus; FACS: Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting; FISH: Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization; FP: Fluorescent Proteins (GFP, RFP, CFP, YFP, mCherry); FRAP: Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching; GPU: Graphics Processing Unit; KEEs: KNOT Engaged Elements; INTACT: Isolation of Nuclei TAgged in specific Cell Types; LADs: Lamin-Associated Domains; ML: Machine Learning; NA: Numerical Aperture; NADs: Nucleolar Associated Domains; PALM: Photo-Activated Localization Microscopy; Pixel: Picture element; pn: polar nuclei; PSF: Point Spread Function; RHF: Relative Heterochromatin Fraction; SIM: Structured Illumination Microscopy; SLIm: Static Live Imaging; SMC: Spore Mother Cell; SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio; SRM: Super-Resolution Microscopy; STED: STimulated Emission Depletion; STORM: STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy; syn: synergid nuclei; TADs: Topologically Associating Domains; Voxel: Volumetric pixel.
Lamin A, a product of the LMNA gene, is an essential nuclear envelope component in most differentiated cells. Mutations in LMNA have been linked to premature aging disorders, including Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS). HGPS is caused by progerin, an aberrant form of lamin A that leads to premature death, typically from the complications of atherosclerotic disease. A key characteristic of HGPS is a severe loss of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the arteries. Various mouse models of HGPS have been created, but few of them feature VSMC depletion and none develops atherosclerosis, the death-causing symptom of the disease in humans. We recently generated a mouse model that recapitulates most features of HGPS, including VSMC loss and accelerated atherosclerosis. Furthermore, by generating cell-type-specific HGPS mouse models, we have demonstrated a central role of VSMC loss in progerin-induced atherosclerosis and premature death.