Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that causes motor neuron degeneration leading to progressive muscle atrophy, weakness, paralysis and death. The majority of ALS (>95%) shows intracellular aggregation of transactive response DNA binding protein (TDP-43) as a prominent pathological feature. TDP-43 is normally a nuclear protein. In ALS, TDP-43 accumulates and aggregates in the cytoplasm (thus forming TDP-43 proteinopathy) and is depleted from the nucleus in CNS cells, including motor neurons and glia. While TDP-43 aggregation can harm cells through a gain of toxicity, it can also cause a loss of TDP-43 function in conjunction with its nuclear depletion. TDP-43 regulates its own expression to maintain itself at a constant level. Perturbation of this level by either increasing or decreasing TDP-43 in animal models leads to neurodegeneration and ALS phenotypes. The evidence supports the hypothesis that TDP-43 dysfunction is a critical driver of neurodegeneration in the vast majority of ALS cases.
Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare disorder of autosomal recessive inheritance. It is caused by a mutation in a gene that results in the accumulation of homogentisic acid (HGA). Characteristically, the excess HGA means sufferers pass dark urine, which upon standing turns black. This is a feature present from birth. Over time patients develop other manifestations of AKU, due to deposition of HGA in collagenous tissues, namely ochronosis and ochronotic osteoarthropathy. Although this condition does not reduce life expectancy, it significantly affects quality of life. The natural history of this condition is becoming better understood, despite gaps in knowledge. Clinical assessment of the condition has also improved along with the development of a potentially disease-modifying therapy. Furthermore, recent developments in AKU research have led to new understanding of the disease, and further study of the AKU arthropathy has the potential to influence therapy in the management of osteoarthritis.