This paper describes a method and an experimental system permitting a severely handicapped operator, such as a quadriplegic, to control a telemanipulator. These developments form the first phase in the design of the Spartacus "telethesis". This is a manipulator system specifically developed for a quadriplegic person. Manipulator control experiments which are discussed concern four quadriplegics who have used the experimental system for significant periods of time. The present system is a laboratory simulation of a telethesis, consisting of an industrial manipulator controlled by a mini-computer. A flexible semi-sequential control and a variety of transducers permit the system to be adapted to the individual user. Thus far, the experiments performed have shown the feasibility for the four quadriplegics to effectively control a telemanipulator, using head movements and some remaining arm movements in various modes of end-point control. In particular, a position control and a "piloting" type of velocity control, both with the addition of some force limitation, have given promising results.