Aim: The aim of this study is to find weak link or links of musculoskeletal system (locoutor system) occurred in fencers' body diagnosed by Performance Matrix Tests.
Analysis: The particular aim of this research is to estimate: if some weak links occur in a fencers' group, if all fencers in a group have the same weak links, if there is a correlation between weak links and training period length and if there is a connection between weak links and fencers' age.
Materials and methods: Our research covered 14 f female and 14 male fencers from the Fencing Section at the Warta Club from Poznań. An average age of fencers was 13.81 +/- 2.84.Performance Matrix Test was used there as a research tool, due to which the presence of musculoskeletal system's weak links was measured.
Conclusion: The obtained results allow us to formulate the following conclusions: weak links of musculoskeletal system occur in a fencers' group, but it can not be given the exact answer if all fencers suffer from the same weak links. The research has not shown any evidences that there is a correlation between training period length and a number of weak links. Fencers' examination has not confirmed any correlations between fencers' age and the number of weak links. The tests have indicated that the most weak links appeared in a group of 12 years old fencers. Performance Matrix Tests are an easy and cheap tool for diagnosis of musculoskeletal system's weak link appearance. The early diagnosis of weak link/links can protect the fencer from musculoskeletal system's injuries. A lot of weak links found in fencers point out the need for undertaking work on local and global stabilization within a trunk and distal joints.