Details of the decrease of DMT experience from 1963/64 to 1971/72 attained with the aide of the "Caries-Preventive Program" in 16 communities were investigated. The number of extracted molars decreased sharply, while the number of extracted premolars increased slightly. These shifts and a slightly later eruption of premolars did not materially affect the validity of overall DMF counts. Findings in first molars indicated long-term persistence of the lowered DMF experience. Fissure and pit caries of molars was reduced by 24 to 27 percent. Caries on free smooth surfaces of molars and on approximal surfaces of anteriorteeth showed decreases by 76 to 82 percent. Dentinal radiolucenices observed on lateral bite-wing radiographys were reduced by 47 to 52 percent. When the small radiolucencies confined to the enamel were included in the DMFS count, the reduction ranged between 23 and 27 percent.