The purpose of this study was the evaluation of clinical symptoms of periodontal disease in a sample of adult periodontal patients, that were presented for periodontal treatment in the private clinics of the authors during a period of ten years. A questionnaire was designed for this reason which included questions related to gingival bleeding, gingival enlargement, tooth migration and tooth mobility. 330 questionnaires were evaluated from a total of 1175 consisting a representative sample. The results have showed that the clinical symptoms that directed patients to look for periodontal treatment were (a) gingival bleeding when brushing or spontaneously (74.78%), (b) tooth mobility (65.65%), (c) presence of gingival enlargement (60%) and (d) tooth migration (36.96%). Comparison between positive answers, in all questions in relation with the presence of the clinical symptoms of periodontal disease showed significant differences between men and women. Furthermore, women were presented for appropriate periodontal treatment with the presence of two symptoms while men with the presence of three. In conclusion gingival bleeding when brushing or spontaneously is a symptom that is easily evaluated by the patient--as the results of this study indicated--provided he knows its significance. Therefore, emphasis must be given in informing the patients regarding its significance.
In this paper the authors are referred to the problem of the dentist whether he should treat the pulp conservatively or he should perform endodontic therapy in the different lesions of the pulp. A short description of the evaluation and the function of the pulp is given. Finally a throughout description of the parameters which influence the choice of the therapeutic method such as the condition of the pulp, the age of the patient, the necessity of pulp preservation and the type of final restoration.
Although hypercalcaemia is considered to be aetiological factor of nephrocalcinosis and uroliths formation, its effect on the major salivary glands, where lithiasis is frequent, has not been studied enough. The purpose of this project was the parallel histologic study of the effect of experimentally induced hypercalcaemia on the kidney and the major salivary glands of the rat. Temporary hypercalcaemia was induced in 17 females rates after 8 daily intraperitoneal doses 1.5 ml of 10% calcium gluconate. After the fixation of the tissues in 4% formaldehyde containing 1% CaCl2, serial sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and Von Kossa's method for calcified deposits. In the kidneys calcified deposits were observed in the cytoplasm of the cells of the proximal convoluted tubules, in the basement membrane, and their lumen. The major salivary glands were normal. Calcified deposits were not observed in the glandular parenchyma either in the lumina. The results suggest that during hypercalcaemia the transcellular transport of the calcium continue to be under the normal influence of the autonomic nervous system, preventing the formation of calcified deposits.
Recent advantages of composite resins have led to a greater use of these materials for restorations of posterior teeth. The composite resins have been used in posterior restorations over six years, so their clinical performance could be evaluate safety. The purpose of this literature review was to present all the results of clinical studies, concerning the behavior of posterior restorations with composite resins.
The combination of surgical exposure and orthodontic traction is usually the treatment of choice in cases with unerupted upper anterior teeth. Different methods of surgical exposure have been described with specific indications for each one. In this paper we present a case with an unerupted upper right canine and describe its management, after surgical exposure with an apically repositioned flap and orthodontic traction. Contemporary aspects of this technique are referred with regard to its advantage of maintaining a good tooth-gingiva relationship.
Headache is a very common symptom related to the craniomandibular disorders. In the last 25 years a remarkable number of research studies have proved the close relation between headache and dysfunction of the stomatognathic system. There has been many classifications of the types of headache but none of them has been accepted by the plurality of clinicians and researchers working on the subject. The commonest headache is the one named "tension/headache". Its frequency and its close relation to the craniomandibular disorders have been the reason for the systemic research of this subject with the cooperation of the neurologic clinic of the NIMTS. The material consisted of 35 patients who had headache as a main disturbance. There has been evaluation of their dysfunction as well as their neurologic condition. The results of the study have proved that a considerable number of these patients had headaches due to craniomandibular dysfunction. We also found out that many people suffer from craniomandibular disorders without knowing it. The results of the present research are according with those of similar studies of the international literature.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between age and clinical symptoms of periodontal disease as they were evaluated by themselves when they were presented for periodontal treatment in the private clinics of the authors during a period of ten years. A questionnaire was designed for this reason which included questions related to gingival bleeding, gingival enlargement, tooth migration and tooth mobility. 230 questionnaires were evaluated from a total of 1175 consisting a representative sample. The answers were evaluated in relation to the age of the patient. The results showed that a positive and significant relationship exists between the age and gingival bleeding, gingival enlargement, tooth migration and tooth mobility. The patients are becoming aware of two, three or four symptoms of periodontal disease during the fifth decade of life (40-49 years old). The symptoms that are mainly appearing in the groups of patients below forty are the gingival bleeding and the gingival enlargement. After the age of forty the main symptoms are tooth mobility and tooth migration. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate: a) that age could be a parameter that can influence the symptoms of periodontal disease, and b) that the bigest percentage of patients are becoming aware of the presence of symptoms of periodontal disease in a later age and when the disease has progress remarkably.
This study was undertaken in purpose to estimate the chronic irritation as an aetiological factor in the development of pregnancy tumor. Wire was attached around the first upper molar of 40 female rats, so that its free ends would irritate the mucosa of the cheek. The rats were divided in groups A, B and C. Group A contained 15 rats which were placed for fertilization 7 days after the irritation started. Group B contained 15 rats which were placed for fertilization immediately after the irritation started. Group C contained 10 rats which remained with the irritation. All rats were sacrificed 50 days after the experiment started and the irritated mucosa of the cheek was removed, fixed in formaline and examined histologically. In 11 rats of group A and in 7 of group B a small size tumor appeared in the irritated region. In the remaining rats, ulceration was present. The histological findings of the tumors were compatible with pregnancy tumors. Our results support that the hormonal changes during the pregnancy consist the primary aetiological factor in the development of pregnancy tumors and that the local chronic irritation acts as a secondary auxiliary factor.