Recent studies demonstrate that liquid heparinization of blood samples causes errors in PCO2 that range from 6% to 40%. Various nonliquid forms of heparin are available as alternatives.
Recent studies demonstrate that liquid heparinization of blood samples causes errors in PCO2 that range from 6% to 40%. Various nonliquid forms of heparin are available as alternatives.
How important is the ventilator circuit and the humidification system? What problems are created by relatively high compliance circuits? Is circuit volume "steal" important when the level of water in the humidifier changes? What is the state of the art for pediatric ventilators?
Half the task of setting up a quality assurance program is selling the idea to departments and enlisting committee members with positive attitudes to seek out and help solve problems.
As medical and technologic advances blur the once-distinct lines between life and death, legal scholars and physicians struggle to maintain a consistent and ethical definition of death. Pressures created by the possibility of organ donation and the problem of terminally ill patients or those in chronic vegetative states further complicate the question.
The merger of cardiopulmonary and respiratory therapy services is under way, and the trend toward consolidation is likely to continue. Future-minded respiratory therapists are banking on cardiopulmonary skills to contribute to career growth.
Comprehensive treatment of advanced chronic airway obstruction includes consideration of outpatient oxygen therapy. A physician's decision as to whether a patient should receive this form of therapy rests on the clinical and investigative information that defines the benefits and problems.
Before the study reported here began, the number of bronchopulmonary segmental drainage procedures performed each month at the University of Maryland Hospital averaged 7,200. Adoption of a policy allowing unnecessary treatment to be stopped on the basis of therapeutic objectives reduced this figure by more than two thirds, to a present level under 2,000. Comparison of the incidence of pulmonary infection and the average length of hospital stay during the six months before and the six months after the policy change showed no appreciable change.
Respiratory therapy managers are expected to provide quality patient care while keeping operational expenses at a minimum. One method that has been proposed for achieving this objective is a four-day workweek. Such a system was tried at Samaritan Hospital, Troy, NY, with disappointing results.