The structure and properties of filler rods made of a B83 alloy reinforced with Al–Bi or Ti2NbAl intermetallic particles less than 100 μm in size in an amount of 3 wt % are studied. The rods are extruded from powder compositions and are intended for the deposition of antifriction coatings. Reinforcement is shown to increase the homogeneity of the grain structure of the B83 matrix alloy and promotes its refining: 66 and 68% of SnSb intermetallic crystals have a surface area of 2000–5000 μm2 in the case of reinforcement with Al–Bi and Ti2NbAl particles, respectively, and 33% of the SnSb crystals in the matrix alloy have a surface area exceeding 5000 μm2. The filler materials made of the developed powder compositions are superior to the B83 cast alloy in the fluidity parameters and tribotechnical properties. The best fluidity indicators of the weld pool and the lowest friction coefficient are achieved using Ti2NbAl-containing filler rods.