The aim: to determine if an increased extravascular lung water level (EVLW) would be a predictor of multiple organ failure in pediatric patients with severe burn injury.
Materials and methods: a prospective study included 33 pediatric patients with burn surface from 30 to 90% of the total body surface area, admitted to PICU. All the patients were monitored with PICCO-technology advanced hemodynamic monitoring, that included an analysis ofEVLW level every 6 hours during first 48 hours after PICU admission.
Results: the diagnosis of multiple organ failure received according to DENVERII score. Normal values of weight indexed ELWI (extravascular lung water index)were 9-29 ml/kg for children under 1-year-oldage, 7-25 ml/kg for children from 1 to 5 years old and 5-13 ml/kg for children older than 5 years.
Conclusions: a normal value of height indexed ELWI was up to 315 ml/m. The height indexed ELWI level correlated reliably with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome rate in all time measurements. So ELWI can be used as a MOD prognostic factor There was no correlation between surface of burned skin and EVLW level.
Pulmonary agenesis combined with other malformations of the skeleton and internal organs in humans is a rare pathology. The choice of method of anesthesia before surgery in this patient may be some difficulties and limitations. We report the successful completion of surgery under epidural anesthesia. Ultrasound-guided epidural anesthesia allowed to take into account individual anatomicalfeatures ofthe patient and to avoid complications. This case demonstrates the ability to safely conduct epidural anesthesia in patients with malformations of the skeleton and internal organs.
There were compared the results of 520 platelets transfusions in 8 centers. In the surveyed organizations part of prophylactic platelet transfusions ranged from 10% to 91%. On average platelet transfusions for the prevention of bleeding in 3,6 times more often than to stop the bleeding. 67,5% ofrecipients ofplatelets have oncology diseases. Target platelet concentrations for preventive transfusions seems high compared to modern evidence-based value - 10 @. 10⁰/l. 25% ofprophylactic transfusions included in the study were performed in patients with platelet count of 30 @. 10⁰l or more. In 76,7% of transfusions used platelet concentrates prepared by apheresis. Single whole blood- derived-units are used at 3,7 times more often than pooled platelets.
The aim: Detarmination of correlation between the level ofserm iron and hemoglobin with clinical symptoms ofpreeclampsia.
Materials and methods: A prospective randomized controlled investigation of 62 women in the gestation of 30 to 39 weeks. Women were divided into 2 main groups. The first group included 38 nulliparous women with preeclampsia moderate degree (Io group) gestational age from 30 to 39 weeks, at the age of 26,8±2,7 years. The second main group included 24 nulliparous women with preeclampsia severe degree (II group) in gestational age from 30 to 39 weeks of similar age. The conditionfor inclusion in the main groups was iron supplementation in the period of total hemoglobin reducing < 115 g/l. The first control group (I) included 26 nulliparous women average 26,2±1,6 years, which admitted to a maternity hospital for planned Cesarean section. The second group (IQ included 22 healthy non-pregnant women at the age of 25,8±4,4 years. During hospitalization, before delivery and at 2 hours after delivery was investigated the concentration of total hemoglobin, serum iron, total bilirubin, creatinine, urea, endothelin-1 (immediately before delivery and after delivery). The total analyses of urine examined the number of red blood cells and white blood cells and protein concentration.
Results: It''s revealed that the serum iron level has a direct correlation with the level of blood preasure (r = 0,5412 and r = 0,6229) and concentration of endothelin- with total hemoglobin (r = 0,6446 in p < 0,03) and with serum iron concentration (r = 0,7841 in p < 0,02). Conclusuion. The analysis of conducted investigation allows to approve about the pathogenetic importance of iron in the development ofpreeclampsia and post-partum complications, that require new approaches of iron during gestation.