Get ready for a new kind of senior. There's a new senior consumer emerging who is demanding health care-related information. Learn how Medicare risk providers can keep seniors happy in their plans and how to communicate with them.
Get ready for a new kind of senior. There's a new senior consumer emerging who is demanding health care-related information. Learn how Medicare risk providers can keep seniors happy in their plans and how to communicate with them.
Hold on to your Medicaid special needs population by partnering with your state. Rather than waiting for managed care to engulf its patient base, the Shepherd Center in Atlanta proactively is working on a pilot program with the state to manage patients physical disabilities in hopes it will be a model for the Medicaid special needs population.
Rural providers discover why it's a tough go in the heartland for Medicare risk. Despite changes in the Medicare risk program designed to encourage managed care for seniors in rural areas, big HMOs are withdrawing from these small markets in droves. Provider groups in Nebraska working on developing their own Medicare risk plan explain the challenges.
Data File: A Medicare market analysis by the Evanston, IL-based Sachs Group shows how knowing your market can help direct you to the services your seniors want and need, to keep them in plans. Learn how such analyses can help you determine what benefits you and your plan should offer enrollees.
Does your Medicare HMO have the financial strength to keep its promises? Weiss Ratings Inc. in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, shares some of the financial indicators used by analysts, raters, and state insurance regulators to assess HMO plans--and outlines five tips that will help you judge just how financially sound your Medicare risk plan really is.
Are you ready to care for special needs children? As states expand their managed Medicaid programs to include previously uninsured children, providers will be seeing more kids with specials needs. Find out what families of these children need and expect from their health care plans and providers from a recent survey.
Data File: A key to future success in Medicare risk may be how well you manage your frail elderly members who have multiple health problems and chronic conditions. While they may just be a handful of patients in your panel now, data from the U.S. Census Bureau show their numbers are growing.