At least one system in Denver is proof that safety net providers can succeed in Medicaid risk. Find out how one provider and its partners went from fearing managed care to specializing in it.
At least one system in Denver is proof that safety net providers can succeed in Medicaid risk. Find out how one provider and its partners went from fearing managed care to specializing in it.
Reducing inpatient hospitalizations as a way to control senior members' costs causes outpatient utilization to rise. The answer may lie in creating a hybrid Medicare plan that combines managed care with medical savings accounts. Learn more about the kinds of plans that may exist in the future.
Although the Medicare+Choice regs mostly cover how plans will operate, they also include provisions that will directly, and indirectly, affect Medicare risk providers. Find out how some of these rules might impact you.
Can pharmacists serving as disease management and drug therapy counselors to patients help reduce Medicaid costs? Program administrators hope so as they launch a new effort in which pharmacists serve as providers of disease management services and are paid for having counseling sessions with recipients.
Don't assume that compliance issues are only for your Medicare managed care organization. Providers who don't understand how HIP AA and the BBA work together to hold providers and plans accountable for fraud and abuse can set themselves up for career-ending mistakes, experts warn. Here's how to avoid practices that could be considered Medicare fraud or abuse.
Don't be surprised if your Medicare HMO asks you to take risk for pharmacy. As the cost of the benefit skyrockets, plans are turning to providers who do the prescribing to better control it. Here's how to determine whether you should take the risk and some tips on what should be in your contract.
Data File: Before you assume risk for your Medicare risk plan's pharmacy benefit, you ought to understand what the benefit is, how it works, and how much it's likely to cost you. Find out the latest trends and benchmark data in managed Medicare pharmacy from a recent survey.
Start a Medicare peer volunteer program to meet your members' social service needs: For 11 years, Elderplan Inc. has used senior volunteers to effectively and inexpensively meet the social service needs of its frail and homebound members, plus gained loads of favorable publicity and community goodwill in the process. Find out the benefits of such a program and get some tips on how to start one at your organization.