Recent advances in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) have underscored the importance of tumor microenvironment in escaping host anti-tumor responses. One mechanism is loss of major histocompatibility Class II antigens (MHCII) associated with decreased tumor infiltrating T lymphocytes (TIL) and poor survival. Transcription of MHCII is controlled by CIITA which in turn is regulated by histone acetylation. In this study, we hypothesized that HDAC inhibition with belinostat increases MHCII, CIITA expression, TIL and improves patient outcomes. Primary objective was evaluation of toxicity and response. Twenty-two patients were enrolled for the study. Belinostat was well tolerated with mild toxicity. Two partial responses were observed at 5, 13 months after registration for an overall response rate (ORR) (95% CI) of 10.5% (1.3-33.1%), and three patients had stable disease for 4.7, 42.3+, and 68.4 + months with minimum 3-year follow-up. Included correlative studies support the hypothesis and serve as the basis for SWOG S0806 combining vorinostat with R-CHOP.
Thyroid hormone biosynthetic defects are rare causes of congenital hypothyroidism. Although, initial presentations are usually diffuse goiter and hypothyroidism, subsequently they may develop thyroid nodules and or thyroid cancer. We describe a case of hypothyroidism due to dyshormonogenesis whose one of the previously solid nodules degenerates into a large cyst. A 22-year-old male was referred to our clinic for evaluation of enlarging thyroid nodule. Hypothyroidism was diagnosed in infancy, however due to poor compliance to treatment TSH values were elevated most of the times. When he was fifteen the first nodule was detected which was a solid cold nodule. Fine needle aspiration was in favor of benign follicular nodule. Seven years later we found a large multi nodular thyroid with a predominant large cyst corresponding to the previously detected solid nodule. 21cc straw colored fluid was aspirated. Cytology was reported as benign cystic nodule. The patient underwent thyroidectomy and pathology confirmed a benign thyroid cyst. Although underreported thyroid dyshormonogenesis may progress to cystic degeneration. Taking into account the risk of malignancy and eventually cyst formation, we recommend more frequent evaluation in the face of nodule formation in these patients.
Obesity is a major public health problem, is associated with increased rates of mortality risk and of developing several comorbidities, and lessens life expectancy. Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for morbidly obese patients, reducing risk of developing new comorbidities, health care utilization and mortality. The establishment of centers of excellence with interdisciplinary staff in bariatric surgery has been reducing operative mortality in the course of time, improving surgical safety and quality. The endocrinologist is part of the interdisciplinary team. The aim of this review is to provide endocrinologists, physicians and health care providers crucial elements of good clinical practice in the management of morbidly obese bariatric surgical candidates. This information includes formal indications and contraindications for bariatric operations, description of usual bariatric and metabolic operations as well as endoscopic treatments, preoperative assessments including psychological, metabolic and cardiorespiratory evaluation and postoperative dietary staged meal progression and nutritional supplementation follow-up with micronutrient deficiencies monitoring, surgical complications, suspension of medications in type 2 diabetic patients, dumping syndrome and hypoglycemia.
Objective: The frequency of thyroid nodules accompanying Graves' disease and the risk of thyroid cancer in presence of accompanying nodules are controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of thyroid nodules and the risk of thyroid cancer in patients operated because of graves' disease.
Subjects and methods: Five hundred and twenty-six patients in whom thyroidectomy was performed because of Graves' disease between 2006 and 2013 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients who had received radioactive iodine treatment and external irradiation treatment in the neck region and who had had thyroid surgery previously were not included in the study.
Results: While accompanying thyroid nodule was present in 177 (33.6%) of 526 Graves' patients, thyroid nodule was absent in 349 (66.4%) patients. Forty-two (8%) patients had thyroid cancer. The rate of thyroid cancer was 5.4% (n = 19) in the Graves' patients who had no nodule, whereas it was 13% (n = 23) in the patients who had nodule. The risk of thyroid cancer increased significantly in presence of nodule (p = 0.003). Three patients had recurrence. No patient had distant metastasis. No patient died during the follow-up period.
Conclusions: Especially Graves' patients who have been decided to be followed up should be evaluated carefully during the follow-up in terms of thyroid cancer which may accompany.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the rs7903146 (C/T) polymorphism in the TCF7L2 gene and type 2 diabetes mellitus, in a Southern-Brazilian population.
Materials and methods: The TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism was genotyped in 953 type 2 diabetic patients and 535 non-diabetic subjects. All subjects were white. The polymorphism was genotyped by Real-Time PCR using TaqMan MGB probes (Life Technologies). Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for additive, recessive and dominant inheritance models.
Results: Genotype and allele frequencies of the rs7903146 polymorphism differed significantly between type 2 diabetic patients and non-diabetic subjects (P = 0.001 and P = 0.0001, respectively). The frequency of the minor allele was 38% in type 2 diabetes group and 31% in non-diabetic subjects, and this allele was significantly associated with type 2 diabetes risk (OR = 1.42, 95% CI 1.15 - 1.76 for the dominant model of inheritance). Moreover, the T/T genotype was associated with a higher risk for type 2 diabetes (OR = 1.83, 95% CI 1.3-2.5) than the presence of only one copy of the T allele (OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.1-1.6). Both results were adjusted for age and gender.
Conclusions: Our results confirm the association between the TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism and increase risk for type 2 diabetes in Southern-Brazil.
Objective: To determine how endocrinologists in Latin America deal with clinical case scenarios related to hypothyroidism and pregnancy.
Materials and methods: In January 2013, we sent an electronic questionnaire on current practice relating to management of hypothyroidism in pregnancy to 856 members of the Latin American Thyroid Society (LATS) who manage pregnant patients with thyroid disease. Subsequently, we have analyzed responses from physician members.
Results: Two hundred and ninety-three responders represent clinicians from 13 countries. All were directly involved in the management of maternal hypothyroidism and 90.7% were endocrinologists. The recommendation of a starting dose of L-thyoxine for a woman diagnosed with overt hypothyroidism in pregnancy, preconception management of euthyroid women with known thyroid autoimmunity and approach related to ovarian hyperstimulation in women with thyroid peroxidase antibodies were widely variable. For women with known hypothyroidism, 34.6% of responders would increase L-thyroxine dose by 30-50% as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. With regard to screening, 42.7% of responders perform universal evaluation and 70% recommend TSH < 2.5 mUI/L in the first trimester and TSH < 3 mUI/L in the second and third trimester as target results in known hypothyroid pregnant women.
Conclusion: Deficiencies in diagnosis and management of hypothyroidism during pregnancy were observed in our survey, highlighting the need for improvement of specialist education and quality of care offered to patients with thyroid disease during pregnancy in Latin America.
Reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormones (RSTH) is a rare disease that affects about 3,000 individuals, belonging to about 1,000 families. It results from reduced intracellular action of thyroid hormones (TH) genetically determined and manifests as persistent hyperthyroxinemia with non-suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). We describe a 67-years old, Caucasian woman, with past history of subtotal thyroidectomy due to diffuse goiter, who presents with a recurrence of goiter. Although she is clinically euthyroid, laboratory evaluation shows persistent hyperthyroxinemia with non-suppressed TSH. Response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) test was normal and TSH concentrations were not suppressed during oral administration of suprafisiologic doses of levothyroxine (L-T4). Peripheral blood DNA was extracted from the patient and a mutation was found localized in cluster one, at codon 346 of the ligand binding domain of the THRB gene. The patient's son underwent thyroid function testing (TFT) and genetic study, both negative, suggesting a sporadic mutation. RSTH should be considered in all hyperthyroxinemic patients who are clinically euthyroid. Mutations interfering with three major steps required for TH action on target tissues have been, so far, identified (TR-β, TR-α, MCT8, SPB2). Each mutation is associated with a distinctive syndrome. Goal of management is to maintain a normal serum TSH level and a eumetabolic state and offer appropriate genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis. Inappropriate treatment of eumetabolic patients results in hypothyroidism and need for TH replacement.