This article constitutes a list of intergovernmental organisations whose publications are collected by libraries to which the public or researchers are likely to have access.
This article constitutes a list of intergovernmental organisations whose publications are collected by libraries to which the public or researchers are likely to have access.
The purpose of this speech was to review the institutions of the European Community, their decision-making processes, and the resulting publications. The services of the Washington, DC office of the Commission were also touched upon.
Appearing every other issue, this column provides bibliographic control of research papers, theses, and dissertations completed and in progress in the field of government publications, on any level of government since 1970. Forthcoming numbers will include bibliographic citations and annotations of international theses and a retrospective compilation of theses completed since 1930.
This article discusses the importance of information, particularly government information, as background to the Freedom of Information Act as Amended which was intended to strengthen public access to government information. The article presents the results of an analysis of federal agency compliance with the indexing requirements of the FOI Act as Amended for the period January 1975 through September 1977.