Background: Many sports involve movements during which the lower extremity functions as a closed kinetic chain, requiring weight-bearing (WB) range of motion (ROM). Assessment of the capacity for internal and external rotation motion at the hip is typically performed with the individual in a prone, supine, or seated position. Such measurements represent ROM in a non-weight bearing (NWB) position, and, as a result, may not appropriately assess the capacity of the joint to meet the demands of the athlete's sport. To date, no research exists which documents WB hip ROM in golfers relative to the ROM demands of the golf swing or the symmetry of weight-bearing hip rotation ROM in female golfers.
Objectives: Weight-bearing hip rotation ROM was measured in female golfers and compared to the actual hip rotation ROM that occurred during a full golf swing.
Methods: Fifteen right-handed, female collegiate golfers participated in the study. The WB hip rotation ROM was measured during three different stance conditions and during full golf swings using a custom-built testing device. These actions were captured using a 3-D motion analysis system.
Results: The golfers WB ROM was symmetrical for external rotation and internal rotation, p = 0.648 and p = 0.078, respectively. During the backswing, the golfers used approximately 20-25% of their available WB right internal rotation, and 50-75% of their available WB left external rotation. For the downswing, the golfers used approximately 34-37% of their available WB right external rotation and 84-131% of their available WB left internal rotation. The golfers used significantly more external and internal hip rotation ROM on the left (lead) hip during both phases of the full golf swing (p < 0.001), demonstrating an asymmetrical movement pattern.
Discussion: In general, golfers did not exceed the measured WB ROM limits during the golf swing but did demonstrate decreased WB internal rotation on the lead hip.
Conclusion: Clinicians need to pay special attention to functional (WB) hip rotation ROM in female golfers in order to assess injury risk related to the rotational hip asymmetry present during the golf swing.