General anesthesia induces a reversible loss of consciousness (LOC), a state that is characterized by the inability to feel pain. Identifying LOC in animals poses unique challenges, because the method most commonly used in humans, responding to questions, cannot be used in animals. For over a century, loss of righting reflex (LORR) has been used to assess LOC in animals. This is the only animal method that correlates directly with LOC in humans and has become the standard proxy measure used in research. However, the reporting of how LORR is assessed varies extensively. This systematic literature review examined the consistency and completeness of LORR methods used in rats and mice. The terms 'righting reflex,' 'anesthesia,' 'conscious,' 'rats,' 'mice,' and their derivatives were used to search 5 electronic databases. The abstracts of the 985 articles identified were screened for indications that the study assessed LORR in mice or rats. Full texts of selected articles were reviewed for LORR methodological completeness, with reported methods categorized by 1) animal placement method, 2) behavioral presence of righting reflex, 3) duration of LORR testing, 4) behavioral LORR, and 5) animal position for testing LORR. Only 22 papers reported on all 5 methodological categories. Of the 22 papers, 21 used unique LORR methodologies, with descriptions of LORR methods differing in at least one category as compared with all other studies. This variability indicates that even papers that included all 5 categories still had substantial differences in their methodological descriptions. These findings reveal substantial inconsistencies in LORR methodology and reporting in the biomedical literature likely compromising study replicability and data interpretation.