Background: Wound healing is particularly important for sarcoma patients who undergo neoadjuvant radiation therapy. Previous studies have demonstrated wound complications in this population approaching 35%. With this high rate of wound healing issues, identifying treatment modalities to minimize these complications is of paramount importance.
Methods: All patients with high grade bone and soft tissue sarcoma received 15 days of twice daily amino acid supplementation starting in the immediate post-operative period. We documented the healing status of the surgical wound, the primary outcome, at all follow up appointments until six months after surgery. Non-healing wounds were defined as any wound requiring 1) a return visit to the OR for debridement, 2) IV antibiotics (ABX), and 3) unhealed wounds at 6 months post-operatively.1 For each patient, we collected biometrics with lean body mass analysis at preoperative appointment, and two and six weeks postoperatively. The proportion with non-healing wounds was compared with a historical patient cohort using the chi-square test. In a subgroup of participants with body composition measurements, we also compared changes in mean fat mass, lean mass, and psoas index from pre-operative baseline to 6 months post-operative using generalized linear models.
Results: A total of 33 consecutive patients were supplemented with a branched chain amino acid (BCAA) formulation. The historical cohort included 146 participants from the previous 7 years (2010-2017). 26% of patients in the historical cohort experienced wound complications compared to 30% in the supplemented group. (p=0.72) When focusing specifically on lower extremity sarcomas treated with neoadjuvant radiation therapy, 46% of patients in the supplemented group experienced wound healing complications compared to 39% in the non-supplemented group (p=0.68). BCAA supplementation was found to be protective with regards to decreasing muscle wasting with no difference in psoas index measurements throughout the study period compared to a 20% muscle loss in the historical cohort (p=0.02).
Conclusion: In our limited sample size, there was no difference in wound healing complications between sarcoma patients who received postoperative BCAA supplementation compared to a historical cohort who were not supplemented. Patients who did not receive supplementation had a significant decline in post-operative psoas index following operative sarcoma removal. Level of Evidence: III.