Case name: Burgess v. The New School University, et al., No. 23-cv-4944 (S.D. N.Y. 09/11/24).
Case name: Burgess v. The New School University, et al., No. 23-cv-4944 (S.D. N.Y. 09/11/24).
Because the title of this newsletter is Enrollment Management Report, I felt obligated to review the book, “Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management,” edited by Stephen J. Burd.
The Student Privacy Policy Office recently updated a resource addressing when a student is considered “in attendance” at a postsecondary institution under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA generally prohibits the disclosure of an eligible student's personally identifiable information in an education record to a third party without consent.
In June, the University of Texas System approved a contract extension for Dr. Lisa Campos, vice president for intercollegiate athletics at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). In her almost 7 years at UTSA, Campos has propelled the athletic department to a new level. Her comprehensive strategic plan, the Roadrunner Game Plan, has created a culture of excellence for student-athletes and intensified interest in the San Antonio community.
Last month, I sort of left you hanging. I was discussing internal disclosures of education records. And, at the end of the column, I mentioned a situation where a security director asked the dean of students for access to the judicial hearings files under the control of that dean. When asked why he needed those records, he simply said his responsibility to the college required that he be given unlimited access to those records to secure the campus from any threats. That last part was not included in last month's column.
Mental health is a somewhat taboo topic in academia. As Katie Rose Guest Pryal, a bipolar and autistic author and academic, writes in her new book A Light in the Tower: A New Reckoning with Mental Health in Higher Education (available now from University Press of Kansas), “Based on the logic of academia, if my brain is wrong, then everything about me is wrong.” She argues that mental disability is stigmatized in higher education and pushed into the shadows and that the key solution to the mental disability crisis — Pryal's preferred terminology — is to increase accessibility overall rather than just provide accommodations for faculty and students. This can decrease the stigma around their illnesses.
Case name: Doe v. Franklin and Marshall College, No. 5:23-cv-0943 (E.D. Pa. 08/26/24).
“Hello, I’m a university professor. My job is to answer email and complete mandatory online training courses,” said a post on X from Fernanda Ferreira, a professor of psycholinguistics at the University of California–Davis earlier this year.
Case name: Letter re: University of Southern California, No. 09-23-2634 (OCR 12/13/23).
CRESCENT CITY, Calif. — Tory Eagles was a financial aid administrator at College of the Redwoods in 2016 when she helped the school set up a program at Pelican Bay State Prison, California's max security facility.