Case name: Hoffman v. City University of New York, No. 20 Civ. 1729 (S.D. N.Y. 08/26/24).
Case name: Hoffman v. City University of New York, No. 20 Civ. 1729 (S.D. N.Y. 08/26/24).
In 2023 I authored an article for this publication that listed the changes in international student mobility. Now, a year later, I would like to revisit this topic and share with you some of the new destinations attracting international students.
About half of people who use artificial intelligence (AI) don’t want anyone else to know. That's because they’re worried about seeming replaceable in their jobs, especially if they work in academia. Or they’re concerned that AI use might not be permitted or that it qualifies as some form of cheating, according to Beth Ziesenis, owner of
In even a very short conversation with the new Dean of MC Online and Academic Support at Montgomery College MD, it is immediately clear that Shinta Hernandez isn’t the type to consider what she can’t do.
Pregaming, tailgating, or other party activities revolving around alcohol before athletic events on college campuses can have dire and long-lasting effects on students, according to a recent study from Texas A&M University.
Case name: Gregg v. Northeastern University, et al., No. 21-11495 (D. Mass. 08/01/24).
Case name: Barbuto v. Syracuse University, et al., No. 5:23-CV-245 (N.D. N.Y. 07/24/24).
Case name: Doe v. University of Kentucky, No. 22-6012 (6th Cir. 08/07/24).
In past FERPA Doc columns, we discussed disclosures of education records to third parties outside one's own institution. I call these external disclosures. There are also internal disclosures. My personal experience tells me that these types of disclosures tend to be potentially more contentious than external disclosures.
Rua Mae Williams, an assistant professor in the User Experience Design program at Purdue University, recently shared on X (the network formerly known as Twitter) the ways implicit bias about who and what intelligence looks and sounds like inspires greater use of artificial intelligence platforms, such as ChatGPT, among students who don’t feel they measure up.