The increasing prevalence of diabetes among older people challenges nurses and nursing aides in providing high-quality evidence-based care in nursing homes and municipal home-based services. Deficiencies in treatment and follow-up care, as well as significant need for educating personnel, are emphasised. Organisational challenges related to transferring tasks from specialist to primary health care services imply an urgent need for enhanced professional competence.
We aim to describe the development, implementation and evaluation of an educational training programme for nurses and nursing aides in nursing homes and municipal home-based services.
Sixteen registered nurses and four nursing aides participated (women, aged 32–59 years). Three main principles were emphasised in the development of the programme: enhancing professional authority; improving communication within professions and levels of care; and reflections based on experience with patients and perceived challenges in clinical practice. To evaluate the programme a questionnaire was used including both quantitative and qualitative data.
Participants described enhanced competence in relation to: professional updating, exchange of experience, professional confidence, sharing knowledge and personal development. Further, the participants reported confidence related to evidence-based practice skills and knowledge, and providing high-quality nursing care.
In conclusion, the elements of this programme seem adequate for inclusion in a programme designed to promote enhanced professional competence for nurses and nursing aides caring for older people with diabetes, and might be supplemented with annual follow-up sessions as a part of the services offered by specialist health care services on a regular basis. Copyright © 2013 FEND. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.